Tuesday 28 May 2024

Beef and Paradise

May started in a flurry, with Beef Week kicking off a massive undertaking for me. I applied for a contract to take photos of the stud cattle rings and was grateful to be accepted. This involved taking photos all day, editing half the night and turning around to do it all again for the 5 days of beef. Plus I got to work with two very skilled photographers who have been working at beef for many previous years and I learn a lot of very valuable skills in the process. 

I was fascinated each day by the crows and the corellas waging their civil war above the grand stand. Fighting over tid bits of food they were finding about the place. Everyone else thought I was mad, but I guess my bird mad photography clubs have finally rubbed off on me. 

Mum and uncle Wes came out for a look around the day.

Sarah Wilson was one of the amazing photographers that I had the pleasure of working with and we had a tonne of laughs over the week. You can find her work at Coultons Country Photography

I also had the pleasure of working beside Kent Ward. He is just a wealth of knowledge of cattle photography and I osmosis all I could from working with him. You can find his work at KB Consulting

In the 1000’s of images that I took, I found this little gem which I felt accurately depicted how we were all feeling by the end of the week. 

I haven’t uploaded all of my images obviously, more are on my instagram and Facebook page, but here are a handful of my favourite little gems. 

Got my two mums together for a photo. I am very blessed to have these two ladies in my life. 

Thursday of Beef it rained and while we were soaked through and freezing cold, I did love the images that we all took with the rain teeming down. I also ended up losing my brand new yeti that my mother in law had given me and I was so devastated. I had put it down to buy myself and Sarah an hot chocolate and forgot to pick it up again as my hands would have been full. Anyhow, the lady at hogsbreath said she had put it behind the counter for me, but then couldn’t find it, so obviously someone had lifted it from behind the counter. Days later, with Beef over and mini school in full swing, my dear friend Ange went and bought me the exact same yeti which literally brought me to tears. Such a thoughtful thing and I was so grateful. I went straight to the engraver to have it lazered. 

This one was a bit cute too. 

We were so cold and saturated. 

Got this lovely little photo of one of my favourite families.

 From my phone 

Tutting in a new garden. Trying to get some progress pictures. 

Sadly we lost miss Gremlin over the weekend. We are all very devastated, she was such a cool little cat and we all liked her.

We also had Marlborough show at the end of April, and I felt a bit obligated to go and help out, as I had kinda left them in a hurry. So I did a bit of a bake-a-thon; however, none of them did any good. 

Tasted good though. 

I think Minti is a bit sad without his little mate. 

We also had a family day out in Emerald. Not a great deal to do and see in the little town though. 

As the weather is starting to cool off, the sunsets are getting prettier. 

We had some parkinsonia sprayed with a drone a while ago and it’s starting to look good. 

Of course when I don’t have my good camera and I’m on a horse, this little dude just sits there.

The swamp is so pretty. I might spend a night camping here to get some nice night time photos. 

Max is going well and looking like a real horse with a hair cut. 

Trying to look offical at Beef.

Mum got to meet Denvah. I couldn’t believe the lack of crowd she had. Such a beautiful voice and yet hardly anyone making the effort to go see her. 

The first night of beef week, all my relatives on mums side got together for a catch up. Was lovely to see everyone and all my new little nieces and nephews. 

How gorgeous is this building. 

Bunch of wet rats.

Finishing up on the last day. Got this one with mummy. 

Having a well earned beverage on our last night. I think we were too exhausted to go partying. I was straight to bed. 

Spent the next few days editing all the 1000s of images. Luckily, living with mum for a few days and the kids being in mini school, mum ensured that I was fed and watered and that the kids were looked after, so I could concentrate on my editing. 

Mum took the week of mini school off, so that I could join with Justin for our annual Paradise mustering at the campdraft. So mum looked after the kidlets for a few days while we spent our time mustering and drinking beer. Probably my favourite time of the year, to just hang out with our mates and ride horses and muster someone else’s cattle without any stress.

The  mustering team, minus Ella. Plus we were down by Rochy this, but hopefully we will have him back again next year! 

When I ask him to take a photo 🤦🏾‍♀️

There was this HUGE bunch of mushrooms under this fig tree when we were mustering. It was unreal!!!

Max was pretty we behaved and when I think about how far he has come, he really has done well. 

And then just like that Paradise 2024 was over and we were back in the school room. Monday afternoon I spent baking a fruit cake for the Alpha show. It only managed to come second but when they don’t taste it, I don’t think that even counts.

Kaka met up with her friend Shaylee and they had a good time on all the rides together. 

I’ve been checking on the mares regularly, as I feel like they are close, but it seems to be the watched pot that isn’t boiling. 

This cheeky this rat is getting more curious. 

The swamp is so pretty, we took Heather to go and see it. We’ve been lu my to have Dick and Heather staying with us the last week and Dick has been going around doing all my little odd jobs that I’ve not managed to get to doing. 

Sunday we took the kids to Retreat Creek Campdraft as they had a gymkana for them. They had a lot of fun and when they finished off the day with a pie and a slushy, I think they were pretty pleased. Garrett even managed well enough riding in my saddle with the stirrups shortened as I still haven’t managed to get him another one yet.

Aaaand that’s a wrap. I’m still feeling exhausted, perhaps trying to catch up from Beef. We have the brumby challenge this weekend and I will be glad to have it done and dusted. Such a long build up to get a horse going over 12mths. Especially when he was so uncooperative in the beginning. 

Hope you are all well. Hope the weather is being kind to you and not too cold. I have started reading “5am club” and I’m hoping it’s about to get significantly better, because thus far I am unimpressed. 

With Love xx

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