AND....... we have a tooth! Yay! My little bubba is all grown up with his first tooth! He has been such a little champ about it all too! Although I hear there are plenty more to come. Touch wood, we've not lost much sleep over this one as yet. It's taken me a couple of days to get this blog together and since then we now have a second tooth beside the first.
The trauma part, that goes with the title of this blog, does not relate to the tooth..... (pause for dramatic effect) but rather the death of my iphone! I shall tell you the story and you can make up your own mind.
My lovely husband asked me to pick up a heavy duty battery for him. I said "why don't you phone them and order it, so that I just have to pick it up". He then showed me, on the truck, what the battery looked like; however, I still insisted he order it. The following morning, when I was to pick it up from town, I had a text from my husband (who was working at the neighbours property and not enough service for phone calls), that he had not ordered the battery but just wanted one heavy duty battery.
On my arrival at the battery place, they asked me "do you want the terminals at opposite ends or the same?" (I was not pleased at the query). I replied that I thought the battery was for the truck and that I was pretty sure they were at the same end. Then they said "normally if your replacing truck batteries you replace them both together". My husband was now unreachable by phone.
So this is how I ended up with a heavy duty truck battery in the back of my car (to return it) on my last journey back into town. As I was getting the pram out of my car; in a hurry to get my almost asleep child into it, so he could go to sleep in the pram, I sat my phone on top of the battery and grabbed the pram; which, when jerked out of its location in the back of my little SUV, collected the battery with my phone and landed heavily on the bitumen. I looked to see that my phone was fractured but not badly. As I swiftly lifted the battery back into my car, fluid was (excuse the phrase), pissing out!! As my brain clicked that this was battery acid, my reflex was to throw the battery...... right on top of my phone! So in one swift moment, I lost a 'not so cheap' battery, a iphone that I would have resold in another few months when my plan runs out for probably $600 and I thought I had also lost my jeans, but luckily, I always travel with a small jerry can of water which was splashed all about to save my car and jeans from decay. Thus far my jeans are still intact so that's one saving grace. So that is how my phone expired!
I would love to say that I blame my husband entirely but I don't! Was not happy though and my plans of buying an 'all in one' cooker that happened to be on sale went out the window! I am now stuck with my mum's old phone.... it is amazing how quickly you can get used to the ever changing technology. Her old 4s iphone is now a dinosaur compared to my late 6, which was larger with a much better camera and more storage. So now I'm counting the days until my plan runs out in December and I can renew my phone.
There was some more trauma, which involved bub's 6 month needles. Not very nice, but a necessary evil and quickly consoled by some mummy time.
These photos are while we waited in the Dr surgery, obviously from before the needles.
Love this pair of ratbags! |
I've recently aquired an RFDS medical chest, which I feel is essential, particularly when we get completely isolated here at some point in most years. Especially now with Garrett. So I made my first, paranoid, first time mother, phone call the other day.
This was a mozzie bite. Despite the obvious reaction, which was far more aggressive than any of his other bites, it was more-so the location right on top of his fontanelle that concerned me. Thankfully, a quick phone call and a texted photo and my concerns were allayed.
So, on the upside, since my last post, I had a 'much too quick' visit from my gorgeous and talented cousin Jess.
Very relaxed at feeding time.
We were sent on a bit of a bum steer to go fishing, but we didn't get a bite! Apparently we weren't doing it right!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mate as a cousin, where the time apart never seems to matter, or the time without contact doesn't matter. We always pick up right where we left off and there is this unique understanding between us that is so rare. I've recently begun to sit back every day and take time to think of something each day that I am grateful for... I am certainly grateful for having this lovely lady in my life! Love you Jess!
Hanging out with Aunty Jess. |
We got to have an afternoon having a bit of a look about at some of our 'not so baby anymore' babies. As well as some of the water that is still lying about the place.
During Jess's stay I decided to try and set up my camera on the dam and get some time lapse photos.
I very secludedly hid my camera inside a eucalypt bush, so that it would be a convert operation.
I ended up with a few nice pics of the cloud reflections. I had intended to get some images of the stars at night once the sun had gone down. But....
only a few images after this shot was taken, which included a close up of someone's hind leg and perhaps a nostril and my camera was then shooting photos of the ground. So needless to say my operation had not been as covert as I had originally envisioned. I counted my lucky stars that no damage was done to my precious camera.
Sadly it all ended too soon! :( |
Seeing Aunty Jess off at the airport was occasion enough for a beer. Or mainly to slobber on to help with that pesky tooth.
Friday afternoon business phone call. |
The couple of quick moments we've been able to manage in the arvo to try for a fresh fish, we've not had any luck.
2016 |
Bare with me, because if you don't really know where I'm talking about it's a little hard to explain. The above photo was taken just the other day of our salt water creek just down from the house. Notice the pine trees and behind them are two large mountains, behind my hat is a small pointy one. The next photo shows the same section of creek but was taken in 2007 and was taken from the small bit of the bank you can see in the above photo, that is sticking out on the left (the post that was there has since eroded into the creek).
2007 |
You would almost not believe that it could be possible. Once the flat is a bit drier and I can drive to the same position that the 2007 photo was taken I will try to get another pic from the same angle so that you can get a better perspective of how much change has occurred in such a short time.
2007 |
The above photo is taken from the same location as the other (the section of bank sticking out on it's own in the below shot). But this time is is looking towards where the below photo is taken from. Therefore in the above shot, if you could see the photographer that took the below shot, they would be on the bank in the top right of the above photo. Again I will try to get back to the same spot so I can try to make it a bit less confusing.
2016 |
Did a bit more "lie down" training with Carlos. He is only just starting to learn what sugar cubes are but I'm not getting to see him as often as I would like to progress his training.
Mum (Splash), the kids (Indi and Anna) and Dad (Chief) |
Told you I had the bug, although I didn't have this one hot enough and when I came back a while later, the flies were on it.... so the dogs enjoyed a nice camp oven dinner. |
Garrett got to meet his much smaller, 2 month younger, umteenth cousin Riley. She is such a active baby, compared to my placid little fella. Very cute! |
Cuddles with dad. |
Bit photogenic like his dad! |
We have turned into a bit of a tummy sleeper now that we are rolling. |
My lunch date. I shouted myself to ice cream after dealing with Telstra who always seem to have an adjective added to their title whenever you ask anyone about them! A title that would be well earned on this occasion!
The car did not have room for a pram on this occasion but Garrett was not perturbed by his makeshift bed. |
New tastes this week include lamb! Yummo! |
This is my not happy face because my biscuit crumbled. |
Before, during and after! |
I decided that because I do 'click and collect' that I could easily order the ingredients to try new recipes. (Will see how long that lasts). Anyhow these are Seafood noodle ball with cucumber relish and sweet chilli sauce. Justin approved but I wasn't convinced.
Our little truck driver. The JCB recovery team. Sorry bad light. Dodgy phone! |
Aunty Melissa sent through some photos from our Mackay trip.
Melissa, Mia and Marina the three generations. |
Cute cousins. |
Sorry I know this has been a long post, didn't realise that I was this far behind.
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