This pic does not capture it well, but the reflections of the mountains in the flood waters have been spectacular.
It would seem for once that the forecast may have been accurate, if not a bit under. We ended up with a lovely 260ml over the four days, which left us very damp and isolated for about 5 days which I wasn't complaining about. Sometimes it's nice to be able to sit down and relax without the fear of someone arriving unexpectedly and asking why you're not hard at it.
Ponies frolicking in the wet weather. We actually ended up with a bit of rain scald which is a shame.
Schultz and Yoda having a play.
The reflections were much bigger from our house, but then they were blocked by the yards, so this was the best I could do. Still very nice I thought.
With the tides not particularly big at this time of the month, the water receded quickly.
Good weather for a bit of this, with the maximum of 27 on some days.
After seeing a lovely damper in the Graziher magazine, I have been busting to use my camp oven, which has been waiting patiently for me, new in the box for some time now.
I was relatively impressed as I've never used a camp oven before if you can believe that! Bit of a poor excuse for an Aussie really aren't I? Might have the bug now!
Our dogs looked on eagerly from their cages, salivating!
Ella (Sheree's dog) was switched on for the prospects of a crumb.
With a bit of "Arctic Fire" tea our smoko was complete.
Sorry dogies, no such luck for a crumb here. Was too good to share!
Garrett still a bit little for the damper yet, but I'm sure that won't be far away and then there won't be any dead wood for miles around!
Another blast from the past.
So some of the footage is a bit wild and the videographer gets in your ear a little bit for a particular pair of kids. But it is interesting to see the variation in age groups and the changes over the years. Not a mobile phone in sight! I particularly enjoyed seeing Dallas with no shoes! Loved that back in the day, it was always just a bunch of people who pulled their horses out of the mustering team, give them a brush and away they went.
From my phone
The lovely bit of rain has brought Spring to my garden. I struggle to keep some things alive during the summer months, so it's nice when they make it out the other side.
The roses I have left, have been going mental.
I just got some pansies and these viola's in the ground as the first spits of rain were falling and it was a good thing because some are still alive, touch wood! I was planting these and chuckling to myself..... "as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death....." my poor plant graveyard.
As I said, the weather has been perfect of a bit of this, wish someone would rock me to sleep beneath the Mango tree.
This cut rose died on me, but I still kinda like it.
Great Grandma Shirley give me this cool pannikin and a teddy! Pleased with himself.
Sgt Schultz ever the clown, got this tub of Zinc cream through his front teeth!
Garrett's cousin Darcy had to be taken to Mackay this week past to have some grommets put in, so we took the opportunity to go up and have a family catch up while they were close by, which was lovely.
We got the giggles in the car, when Garrett woke up to find this green dog in his bed.
Cousin Mia with Grandad
Nanna and Garrett having some cuddles.
Aunty Fooz.
Love this one of Mia and Garrett with Granny in the background.
As soon as I go to a shopping centre it becomes pretty obvious that Garrett doesn't get out much! His eyes nearly pop out of his head, looking around at everything and everyone!
We called in at Clairview for some roadside dinner on our way home, but it wasn't as romantic as it might appear. I had a full time job chasing the mozzies away while dad fed bub! Oh well, not a long stop.
After spending the night in Mackay, Justin, Garrett and I headed back home. I had to go to Rocky the following day and decided that since it was late, bub was asleep in the car and I had to stay up to feed him anyhow, it would be easiest to continue on. So I dropped Justin at home and kept driving to Rocky to the other Grandma. So after a day another town day, in Rocky this time and a trip home, I was fairly stuffed. But unfortunately picked up a tummy bug along the way which took a couple of days to recover, so I still feel like I'm a bit behind. Even with my mum and Sheree visiting over the weekend, doing all my washing, cooking and cleaning and babysitting while I trimmed the feet of some of my horses (very overdue). It only takes one day of a bit of physical work to make you quickly realize just how out of condition you've become. I'm a bit sore and bruised, but my own fault for not wearing my chaps.
Found this little dude on the lawn, he looks burnt but I've no idea where the fire was, as we've not had any burning near us for a while.
Found this old pic on Google satellite. It's interesting to compare with the image from my drone. Bit drier then too!! I'm not too sure how old this photo is, but it must have been a while because all the house fences are now gone.
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