Thursday, 27 February 2025

Back to the grind!

But before we got back to the grind, we had one last outing to Alpha for a two day Campdrafting clinic for the kids! 

Both kids had a ball and they improved so much over the weekend. The instructors were absolutely amazing and treated all the kids so well no matter their skill level or what horse they rode. 

Grandma noticed that G man seemed to be riding very neatly. I did not keep the photos which were otherwise 😜😜

There were lots of smiles and high fives and lots of horse pats which is my favourite part! 

Love this one. 

At the end they all got to compete. I think g man was a little disappointed with his run, but I thought he did well and his age group went up to 12yrs so he had some stiff competition. 

I took some photos of the little ones and these two Comiskey kids just cracked me up! Little Frankie above reminds me of those Thelwells cartoons 

More high fives!

These two girls are our neighbours kids;  Mikilee did so well over the weekend and so did Shaylee below. This was Shaylees first camp draft and she won the minis! I was so happy for her! 

All the team were there to help!

Frankie 🤣🤣

I didn’t get a very nice shot of Bethany as she had a bit of a rough beast. 

I thought the rain made for some nice photos but it only lasted two runs.

Oh and then there was the comet. We had the best afternoon looking at the Atlas comet. I kinda waited till last minute to tell my family I was going and they all wanted to come, so we grabbed the nicest chicken stew out of the oven and set off for a decent location to see the horizon. It was amusing because we drove west for about 20 - 30mins and it got significantly lighter as we went along. We sat and ate our dinner waiting for it to get dark enough and then all of a sudden we saw her. Was a lovely night out. 

For Garrett’s birthday we went to the lake for a small spot of fishing and a pub lunch. 

He’s growing up so fast, he’s just returned home from camp and it feels like he’s been gone for a year!

I always get a bit captivated but the rock formations. 
So pretty. 

We even got to have a catch up with Nanna and Poppy 

Still counts 

From My Phone 

Ooooooh AND we have some progress photos!! 

More from the Alpha clinic. 

They even got shirts for then clinic! They all looked very smart! 

Jessica, Shaylee and Mikilee. How good do they look in those shirts. 

I even got to catch up with Sheree who came along with Bethany. 

Miss picked up a ribbon too which was cool despite the grumpy look in her face. 

And no, that’s not Bobby, we grabbed Mikilee’s horse last minute cause we were told they had to be on a horse and then as it turned out, it didn’t matter. 

Our fridge decided to die on us and it has been a very very long and drawn out process to get it sorted out, but I think I have it done now. However, I did find three jars of apple sauce which made for a very nice cake! 

You can juuuuust see the comet. 

Look at these cool finds I “rescued” from Vinnies. Can’t help myself.

Aaaand some more progress!!! I can't tell you how excited I am about this lawn after a year of looking at bare dirt, and I'm pleased to say that it's established very well! We laid it in the worst possible heat wave but then it was totally worth it because we got that week of miserable rainy weather on it and it's thriving!!! 

We also managed to go and visit our dear friends at Capella, Mitch and Kirsty with their two kids, Charlie and Annabelle. They have the most gorgeous home and starting to get their garden established. It’s the nicest view. 

Aaaand I found where the old red chairs from Tilpal went!

How gorgeous is this country? 

We got a tour around which was so nice to see all the progress they are making there. 

Oh and after this visit, we invested in a pool just like this one. 

It’s a wonder they could get us to go home when we were out collecting these pretty little gems. 

Grandma also managed to fit in a visit befor school started back again and to have our traditional lamingtons for Australia Day. We did some painting too. Australia Day emus (just in case you weren't sure what they were) lol. 

Freda had TWINS!!!! I was so excited! And she’s also fostered the other pody “Don’t care bear” that we have too. She’s such a good girl. 

And then back to the grind! School started again. I can hardly believe we are already in week 5 now. I wish I had done these boards for them the whole time, but better late than never.

I ran into a dear friend the other day and we had to get a selfie. We are cousins by marriage and I wish we got to see more of them, they are such lovely people.

Mum and Garrett’s year 2 teacher Mrs Long twinning. Even their shoes! 

Miss went shopping with me and found this dude.

Aunty Fooz found the perfect shirt\ dress for kaka 

Aunty Jess has begun Pony Club with Evie which is a bit damn cute!  

We had "Penny" the school's blue heeler visiting for two weeks. 

I dunno why but I love this photo so much! 

Piklet weather for sure! Kids can make a pretty darn good piklet now! 

They might hate me for this one day lol. 

Oh and we had a birthday too! G man turned 9 and while my idea for a cake failed, I turned it into this weird concoction. My new boyfriend (chat GPT) said it looked like a meteor cake and I'm going with that. 

We made a visit out to the dam and the kids did a slight spot of fishing. 

Miss got my old hat, which seems to suit her more than me, although she'd look good in a garbage bag! 

We also planted some runners. Some of them have taken. We missed the week of rain, but none the less, I think we have got enough to start spreading. 

Some pretty clouds 

Our swamp finally has some water in it. 

After and before photo

G man was off to camp and saying goodbye to Kaka. This is the longest they had ever been apart. She was a bit sad!

But we made do for a week without the boys. 

She left me to walk and stole the buggy! 

Pretty morning. 

Some photos from the "Dad's Camp for Year 4"

Safe to say I think they had an absolute ball and so good to be able to spend that precious one on one time together having fun with the other kids and their dads. 

Trail of precession caterpillars crossing the road. 

Freda with the 3 babies. 

This was in the school newsletter ha ha ha ha Yep she's mine that one! 

My great Aunty Loyalty passed away about a week or so ago. It’s very sad to say goodbye and I wish I had a better photo! She’s such a lovely lady who was always up for a cuppa and very quick witted. She will be missed greatly but I’m sure she is having a long catch up with uncle Ronnie now. 

So that’s a wrap! The next couple of months will be rather busy, as we have a fencing project and pipeline project and I’m not sure how we are going to get it all done before our deadline. Along with our branding that is also imminent. 

Hope you are all well and enjoying some milder weather. Will be interesting to see what this cyclone does but I must say it feels too cool for us to score any rain from it. 

With Love 

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