Don't ask my why I called this post that... I'm not really thinking clearly lol.
So, I got the opportunity to photograph at the Brangus Youth Camp this year which was really exciting. Also very exhausting. I consider myself a people person, but when you're in other people's personal space, taking photos for 4 days... wow! But the end of it, I was shattered. I drove home in complete silence, I just couldn't handle any more input.
I think they were pretty happy with the images that I took though and I've put a few of my favourites here. I ended up with 1481 images, that were edited and completed out of 4700 that I took. If you think about it, even if I spend 1 minute per edited image and it would probably have been much more, by the time you factor in, doing multiple culls on all the images, thats over 24.5hrs of editing time. So when people question why photographers charge so much, that's part of it.

This was the group of CSDE kids that were at the event.
How damn cute is this kid!!! I'm going to kidnap you one day Jase!
His heifer stood on him about 3 times over the course of the 4 days, but he still loved her! I think she might have been on the look out for a bull to scratch an itch for her.
Pody was using his mad cattle handling abilities.
Auntie Ange
Trine and Bonni in their gorgeous matching shirts!
I took this image and Jase was so focused on what he was doing that I couldn't bring myself to post it with the people in the background that were clearly oblivious as to the seriousness of the moment.
Look at these amazing biscuits!!!! Ange, you're so clever!
I feel ya buddy! I really do!
These are the sorts of events that forms the most beautiful friendships!
I find it interesting how I must have a very different perspective as a photographer. I mean I know I posted a lot of photos, but this one, did not get a single 'like' on facebook... and to me, it's a compositionally great image. I'm not worried at all, it's just interesting how people like different things. I follow a number of photographers and some that are really popular with the public, but I look at their images and think they are over saturated and I find the current trend that a lot of them are doing now, taking the greens out of images to be getting to be a little "overdone". Don't get me wrong, it does work and looks amazing and some of these photographers have massive followings and their compositional story telling is epic. But, for me, I like green and that's just the story that I like to tell.
Isn't she beautiful!
Yes, the little ones were my favourites to photograph! I never had any camera shyness with any of them! Was awesome.
Out of the whole camp, taking these couple of shots, was a BIG DEAL! Everyone was there including, landline photographers, ABC videographers, brangus magazine photographer, other professional photographers... I felt a little out of my depth and was terribly nervous. Anyhow, all part of the experience and I honestly just love it, it doesn't really feel like work. Maybe the editing, a little, but not much.
After the BYC, I had two days of marathon editing to try and get some photos out there for everyone, before we went away for a week to Cania Gorge.... where I thought I would be rather 'over' taking photos... turns out, I wasn't, and took another 300 to go through!
The first couple of days we were there, it was raining and it was just the perfect weather for me to hibernate a little and socially detox before I was ready to engage again. I think my little group are starting to get used to the non-drinking version of Kerrie, even if they do still think I'm a bit of a snob and don't hang out with them quite so much as I prefer to get my beauty sleep.
We did at least one walk every day. The first day as 5.6km with everyone, which I think was enough for most people.
On day 2 Sheree and I did a 22km, to Castle Gorge and back. Which was good, good for catching up and lots of talking and venting and by about the 18km mark, we both agreed that if a vehicle happened along and offered a lift, we would be grateful. We did pack our lunch though and the lookout was nice enough.
On day 3 we did a couple of shorter walks but probably about 5km all up, including an old mine shaft that miss Kaka was extremely disappointed that she did not find a big nugget of gold there.
Day 4, some of the group had to leave and the remaining contingent when to the dam for some skiing and kneeboarding. That afternoon the big fella and I did a small walk that was only 1.4km I think, but it was by far the most prettiest. And Day 5 we packed up and left. These dudes were a bit of a highlight, I'm glad that I had a surplus bag of corn-chips because they seemed to approve. On the first day I fed one of the kangaroos, which it happily took the chip, but then went I went to pat it, it growled at me, so that next time he did it, I backhanded him... he didn't come back after that! Little shit!
Castle Gorge
This was actually a bit over and away from the actual 'lookout' platform, but it was the nicest view.
This was the view for most of the 22km of walking.
How cool is that tree?
I should have went back with my macro lens, but we were a bit exhausted the following day.
Justin was a bit dissappointed with the 'dragon' formations in "Dragon Cave"
Most of the kid cohort.
Les Hiddins would be so proud. Maybe more-so if I knew what they were.

Couple of carnage action shots.
Sheree was in her element, couldn't get the smile off her face! She did say she needed some water!
That's the reverse of where we looked out from at castle gorge. That viewing platform is pretty much straight in the middle.
I even had my arm twisted to go out in the water.
These next ones are from the Two-Storey Cave walk and if you're even at Cania and you're not a big fan of walking, do this one!! It's a bit steep up the stairs, but its definitely far more worth it than the others we did. I think I only missed one walk out of all of them.
You walk into the cave, and if you go right up to the back of it (which we nearly missed), there's an opening where you can climb up into another cave. Then you can climb through this section in the above photo and you go out of top of the escarpment. It's really beautiful.
Lizard Rock.
How COOL is this mushroom!!!
From my Phone:
They stole my phone!! So obviously I'm going to post the photos to my blog!!
Afternoon rides with my babes!
Got to go riding with my beautiful niece Hayley which is a rare pleasure. It's nice now that's she's a bit older and I can take her to do stuff.
My little princess is growing up REALLY fast!
Ol brumby is not getting anywhere near as many rides as I would like to be giving him. We are away for a week now, but hopefully when we return I will be able to get on him a bit more.
Bobby the favourite.
Grass looks cool hey.
Hayley with Fascinate.
Some Mango pickers.
It's all about the accessories. Everyone need a unicorn in a handbag.
Oh, I made a box!!! I know right, Better Homes and Gardens would be proud! I'm pretty happy with it. I have absolutely zero carpentry skills, so I was pleased that it actually came together. Want to get myself a router now.
Check out this monster red back that Justin took a photo of. I thought that surely it couldn't have been one, from the size of it... but YEP sure is!! Gives me the heeby jeebies.
When we went to Cania, we had to find a caretaker for our hounds, so we ventured out to Springsure to leave them with Justin's parents. AND, just as we were leaving, this little dude hopped across the road in front of us. He was so pretty!
These were some of the trees at Cania, they were so pretty, the rain really accentuated their colours.
Yeh... I thought they were cool!
So did Kaka.
We made it!
Lunch break.
Someone was a bit tuckered out after all that walking.
Such a lovely bunch of people! We are blessed with such good friends.
The kids were constantly entertained at Cania which was so good. AAAAND... G man, learnt to swim on his own without his vest! Which was also cool!
Greer and Mango with baby Hayley |
Playing cards when it's raining.
Missy's first day of Prep and Garrett's first day of year 2.
Aaaaand then school started! We pretty much got back from our trip. I did another full day of editing to get another days worth of photos done from BYC, and then we were off again to town, for two days of cluster at school. We stayed at Coolwaters in Emu Park and it was so lovely, I wish I took a photo of the lodge we stayed in. Easily fit 4 families. It was good only being 2 days though because we had to drive all the way into town for school. Plus the fridge wouldn't have held much more food.
I finally found a tarot deck that spoke to me. I have been looking for years and years for a deck that I liked, but haven't seen one. But the second I picked this one up, I knew that it was what I wanted and the first card I drew was very accurate. So I was a bit excited.
These pair were a bit tired. They had, had a big couple of weeks.
Mum and I having our traditional lammos on Australia Day.
Oh and we have a new member! This long eared guinea pig has made itself a very loved member of our family. Meet Hazel.
Aint it soooooo cute!
My animal whispered. Talks to everything.
And we have a birthday coming up in a few days time, so I've made some cake toppers to go on the top of the cake. They turned out alright, I thought, especially for my first attempt at using fondant. Watch this space for the final masterpiece. G man said that he wants a rainbow cake. So I will have to see what I can do!
Not a bad photo for a phone. Gotta love, post rain, sunrises. We had 110mm and the neighbours up the road had none at all. Ridiculous!
Missy, with her first full week of 'real' school at home with me. I think she would rather be with her teacher!
Army bridge was up out of the floodwater, when the public road bridge was at 0.4m over the road. This was taken about 10 minutes before it pelted down! I honestly thought it was going to miss me!
I was just taking this photo and thinking that the huge storm behind me was going to go around, when it just started pelting down. I got soaked. I was grateful that I decided to canter home through it though, despite much protesting from the brumby, because just after I reached the house, there was some serious lightening... the kind that makes the windows shake! So I was very glad to not be out in it.
Even with the 1/300sec shutter speed on my phone, you can still see the rain falling.
I love this word! Feel like it accurately describes my life right now.
Yes, this is my thigh, yes my horse threw me and yes, I'm going to say that it was my fault! I just walked down into his yard and threw a halter on and jumped on.... and he bucked. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that I deserved that. Considering that he hadn't been ridden for about 3 weeks. That was Thursday, it's now Saturday and it doesn't hurt to sit anymore lol.
Well trendsetters, we have finally reached the end on another ridiculously long post. I hope you have all had some beautiful rain. Everything is very lush and green here. The big fella and I are off to a Grazing For Profit school next week, which will be interesting. I'm a bit concerned about my lack of knowledge, so I might just take a leaf from my husbands book and stay quiet! Hopefully we will learn something and maybe get a bit excited about the potential for our futures.
My latest song find, Need a Favour by Jelly Roll.
With Love To You All!
1 comment:
Brilliant photos again.
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