Friday, 2 December 2022

Schools Almost Out!

I've been having a bit of a play with some of my photos, while I have been waiting for my lens to be repaired. I think this is a new genre that you might see some more of from me, I really like it. 

 Seems I've had another rather busy month and once again the wet weather has afforded me some time to catch up on my blog. We are in need of a new rain gauge, so I'm not sure what we've had, but I think it's been in excess of 6 inches and the creek is currently having a good run, only just over the bridge. 

At the end of our mini-school, I was lucky enough to be able to photograph Lane and Lily's formal. These pair have been friends for a long time and always agreed to go to their formal together, which I think is so special! I have known Lane since he was a baby, so I felt very honoured to be able to capture this important milestone for them. 

The joys of being 18 when you graduate, is that it's perfectly legal to have a few drinks. 

How cute was Lily's partner, carrying her dress for her! 

As usual I get to the editing part of the photo shoot and think of things I could have done or poses that I wanted to do... but I think they are pretty happy with them, they were both very gorgeous! 

As usual my phone photos are in reverse order. We only just returned home on Wednesday from the swimming carnival and awards ceremony in Emerald. So nice to see everyone just before holidays start. I'm definitely ready to tap out of school, I don't think there is a lot happening in the last week! 

Kaka and her little mate Howie. 

My little koala! My efforts as a kindy teacher this year have been rather negligent. But we made an appearance! And I think her teacher thought she was pretty cool, so that's something. 

Saw this and got a giggle, my poor husband lol. 

We returned from mini school and I was under the false impression that we dodged the usual viruses...... Saturday clear, Sunday clear, Monday clear, Tuesday clear.... Tuesday night... kaka starting vomiting. Which made the usual progression in our household for all of us to get the gastro bug. Normally only takes 24hrs, but this one had us all down for 4-5days. Poor Justin, still had a mob of bulls that he had to be trucked out to various locations before the rain hit and so the poor bugger was trucking very precariously with a roll of toilet paper close handy. 
I managed to hold it together well enough to make it to a wedding (poor Justin had only just got to the worst part of it and couldn't), but even now, a week later my tummy still isn't quite right and I think a course of probiotics are in order. I feel like we've had our fair share of illness this year and we can have a break now! I'm a bit tired! 

With mini school over and the remainder of the school term a pretty casual affair, I dodged our regular daily tasks, for a science kit that I bought... kids loved it, but we only got a couple of days in before the flu and then travelling to Emerald, so maybe next week we will finish it. 

G man got an award this mini school for being kind and considerate to everyone and a good roll model. I was so proud! This is the kind of award that I really love for my kids to be getting! 

Miss stealing my phone. 

Got to give blood again this mini school, which feels so good. I had been putting it off for the fear that I would get covid, after having given blood away, but now I've had covid, I'm happy to go back to giving regularly. Such a satisfying thing! 

G mans class, bit of a shame we were missing Harriet who was unwell. 

Once again we did the Great Western on the Wednesday, and they had a balloon person who made this cute little butterfly. 

Kaka with her kindy class! 

G man came off second best on the bitumen. 

Goodness me, when did this happen?? She looks so grown up! 

I think I've found myself a new horse trainer, he's about the perfect size for her! 

They thought they were pretty cool, giving her, her first ride. I hadn't even ridden her yet and I led them around the yard on her. She just took it all in her stride! 

With the gastro bug and mini school, poor Dartanian has been a bit neglected, but he is putting on some weight which is good. With any luck I will get a few rides on him this school holidays! The break won't hurt I guess/ hope! 

Big fella goes, "of course your horse can fit on top of a pallet!"

And that's a wrap! Bit shorter this time as I'm actually a bit more organised and managed to do a post. I am a bit behind with my xmas cards and a few other things, but I'm sure it will all come together. Need to bake a couple of fruit cakes. 

I just finished reading "Bill the Bastard". Was a really good book and gave a good insight into the history of the war in Egypt. I have visited the memorial in El-Alamein near Alexandria in Egypt and it was pretty awesome. Very cool to hear the stories from that time. 

Hope you are all well and managed to get under some good rain. 
With Love x 

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