Thursday, 16 December 2021

Fabulous Fungi, Family and Friends.


Check out this pair of monsters. I happen to be a bit of a fungi fan but I never seem to find many to take photos of, these were pretty hard to miss though! 

Justin wasn't terribly impresses with me trying to get his cows on the shrooms lol. 

Couldn't decide if I liked colour or black and white better. 

This old truck is so perfectly positioned for some sunset shots. 

Sometimes I think that I should post fewer photos, just take the pick of them, but I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and some of the ones that she loved, weren't really ones I loved as much. So it's hard to tell which one someone else will like the best. 

This was a perfect spot for the kids to have a swim. Got to love running water.

No photos mum! 

Checking on his crypto.

I just love the paperbarks here. I guess people who have them, might take them for granted, but as we didn't really have these where I grew up, I just love them. 

I have no idea what she thought she was doing here, but it was a bit funny. 

There is a quarry in the paddock near us and this road that has been built on the way up to it, makes for some lovely photos. Plus the big thunderheads that have come along with this humidity also help. 

Been driving past this creek my whole life and have always wanted to stop for photos but we have always been on our way somewhere and so never did. 

Kaka is starting to like the cat I think, he's a bit more friendly than Honda. 

Justin has been looking at some of my images that I'm getting framed and he goes, "I just like cows". So here I am taking photos of our cows lol. 

Well a couple of cow photos with some off in the distance. 

If you haven't already worked it out, I'm a fan of big clouds. 

Oh more cows. How sexy are they!!! 

I was taking some of photos and Pirate kept nudging me in the back so I assume she also wanted to be in the picture.

I tried to move the branch that was in front of his face, but he was not coming out for a look again after I had been rummaging around him. 

Love this one. Was a bit reluctant to go home as behind me was a big storm that I had to drive through, but luckily I managed to stay dry! 

From my phone:

Left over pody calf milk for the cat and puppy to share. 

You know it never really ceases to amaze me at how fast the time goes. I had to go over my last blog 3 times to check how long it's been since I last posted!! It's been a month! what the.... 

Poor old woofie is looking a bit sad. I think his days might be numbered. 

Kaka and Gemma

Checking out the flood water. Now that everything is full it doesn't take a whole lot to put the creeks up again. I think we might have a wet January. 

We even had out last mini-school for 2021.... I can't believe that Garrett has now finished his first year of school! Kaka will be in kindy next year and I'm sure that she will think her throat is cut that she can't sit on the couch and eat carrots and watch movies all day. 

They did a paint and sip workshop after school one day for the kids and this is what they come up with. 

Missy had her introduction to kindy session, which she loved and managed to stay surprisingly clean. 

B1 and B2

I think I mentioned in my last post that I'm having some prints framed. Will be selling them as single proofs in February next year. So that's a bit exciting. I sign them all before they are framed.

Me and my darling discussing the groceries. We are a perfect match sometimes, both just as weird as each other. 

Our last assembly for the year. I am going to really miss Garrett's teacher, Phoebe, she's such a great inspiration for the kids! 

Honda has been suffering for attention since Sarg arrived, so I think he was suffering a cuddle here.

Last few bits of school, finishing off HPE. 

Went to my awards night for my photo club and picked up a couple of trophies. One for Open Champion and one for Grand Champion Image. Both for the same photo below. 

"Cool Runnings", will have to get it framed now. 

I've been getting told for a while by some people that I should frame and sell my prints, but it only took one person to actually want to buy one for me to get inspired. Only takes one little seed sometimes. 

These pair! 

Got to make some great new mates this year through Garrett's school and one happened to turn 40 + GST not long after our last mini-school, which I thought was a perfect excuse to do some baking.  The muffins made it all the way to town and just as we reached the table, G-man dropped them lol. Oh well. Still tasted alright, well I think they did as they disappeared. 

Hayley's son Mac, was just about to push her head into the cake, totally missed the timing for the photo, but he didn't quite get her lol. Rat bag! 

Such a gorgeous lady. Get's harder as you get older to make new friends (I think I'm getting old and grumpy lol), so its kinda cool when you do. 

The next morning after mini-school we headed to Brisbane for my cousins house warming party. 

For once I've actually managed to catch up with these pair more often this year which has been great. Miss them so much when they are so far away from me. We used to spend nearly every school holidays together. 

Second Cousins

Louie (Jess and D-Nash's), Oscar (Sam and Goody's), G-man and Kaka and Zoe (Sam and Goody's), just realised that we missed little Evy, but I'm sure she will be up and about in no time! 

Little shorty in the middle 

Saw this and thought it was very funny! 

Check out my new baby!!! Got it for a bargin online and now I think my coffee addiction has worsened. 

Beginning to feel a lot like xmas. 

Perfect spot for a swim. We rode our horses down and had a quick dip. 

And that's another wrap!! Possibly the last for 2021. I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be a bit chaotic. Between friends visiting and xmas parties and all the baking that I haven't done yet! Need to go and pick some chutney mangoes. 

Hope you are all prepped for the xmas season, I got in early and did all my xmas shopping because I wasn't sure where us heathen, unvaccinated people would be allowed in. I'm currently reading a book called "The once and future witches" by Alix Harrow and it's right down my alley. My cousin Jess gifted it to me for xmas and she knows what I like. 

Merry Xmas Everyone and I hope you have a cracking good new year! 

May the fleas of 100 camels infest the arses of those that pissed you off in 2021 and their arms be too short to scratch it!! 

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