How awesome are weddings? Especially the weddings of family because it generally means a bit of a reunion with people who you might not get to see as often as you would like. I guess this might not be the case for all families, but it is definitely the case with my maternal relatives.
These are three of my favourite people. It's such a shame that my Uncle Ross and Aunty Carol live so very far away. With no grandparents of my own left, I've kind of adopted them. Seems to get harder every time saying goodbye as I'm getting older, you really start to appreciate the little gems that you have in your life.
Kaka sharing some affection with her second cousin Bonni.
G man didn't mind having another little sister to play with.
Such a little cutie!
How gorgeous were these decorations?!? I just loved them!
The boots!!
So beautiful! Yes... there are lots of photos!
Uncle Paul and Uncle Dave
Men in black. My cousin Trent and Justin
Mum and Ash
Penny and Stew
Mother and Son.
I'm getting the look because apparently I stand funny in photos.
Yeh I'm not sure at what point you give up on trying to take family photos!
She's such a little rat bag!
Trent with his gorgeous partner Lizzy
When uncle Ross insists that he have my camera because he was sick of me taking so many photos of him.
More decorations.
I'm not sure why but I love these photos of Kaka.
And my beautiful mumsy!
Gotta love a photo with a storey.
Balloons are the secret for child entertainment.
My new flash was letting me down here, but I was trying to get some action shots of my cousin Nathan and mum doing some wild dancing.
Aunty Christine busting some moves.
Still getting used to my flash, hopefully by next month I will have it sorted. Might be a weekend activity I think.
And yes this is the only photo I got of the gorgeous Bride (my cousin Stefi) with her sister Chloe on the left and I'm sorry but I totally forgot the other bridesmaid's name.
Mothers of the bride and groom doing some table dancing! Love their form!
And just like that the day was done.
The following night we spent at Mr and Mrs Duncan's house, having a BBQ and using up some of the left over food from the wedding. And the moon turned it on for us, although I needed my zoom for some better photos.
The afternoon on my way to the BBQ I went to capture some sunset photos in the valley, but I got distracted talking to the weaners and the sun set without me lol.
Cracking little bunch of babies from the Alkoomie Brangus.
This was probably a weed, but I spotted it on my way across the paddock and I had to stop and take a photo, it was only a very small flower with none others similar anywhere to be seen.
Something about red natal that I love taking photos of it.
We also ventured up to Broken River to see the platypus and while he was very obliging, I didn't get any photos. Was a pretty little spot though.
Why do they always want to get in the water!!
Yeh you can't see it but apparently the sign behind says not to sit on it.
Does he not yet realise that I'm going to post these photos on my blog?
Before we left for the beautiful Finch Hatton wedding I did find this dude who was very photogenic.
Looks like he's had a hard time as some point.
These were a couple that I had in my camera from the week before we moved.
I'm not to sure how my photography club would view this image, but I kinda like the etherial feel to it.
Our new home has a hill on either side of it, which is a very easy afternoon climb to watch the sun setting. So gorgeous.
And you know, we have to light a fire because we are a family of pyros.

This is the photo progression of Kaka's mood swings over a few seconds!
So that's all the photos from my camera. I need to get out this weekend and do some more flash practise before I have to photograph my first wedding. Yes I'm a bit nervous, lucky the bride is pretty casual!
My little poser! In my hat!!
John Wayne (AKA Dick Searl), ticking off a bucket list item.
Absolute natural!
Checking out our new home.
Kids have been testing out the new drive way. No busters with skinned knees yet, touch wood.
Justin tailing the weaners.
The hill beside the house is spectacular in the afternoon sun!
Oh course we would have to have a spot for lighting a fire.
Saw this little dude and thought he was pretty cool. He was full of grubs.
OH AND WE HAVE A NEW ARRIVAL!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I'm so excited to hear of the birth of my new neice, Evelyn Isla Nash. Was a gorgeous little girl she is and I can't wait to meet her. Damn COVID. Hopefully by the school holidays we will be able to get out.
Isn't she just precious!!! I could just squish her!
Justin offering some advice lol
The kids and I ventured back to Wibuna to check out our heifers. They seem very happy.
Of course we had to have a fire.
As Kaka has kind of lost her horse to Garrett, as he can ride baby Blue by himself without a lead and I can then lead Kaka on the Mack Mare, Kaka has decided that she's in love with the Mack Mare.
Little ferals!
My two favourite girls! xxx
More weaner tailing.
Lucky dad can make a good humpty dumpty because mum's not that keen on them.
Broken River
Louie with his new little sister!!! OMG my heart! They're so damn cute!
And with that I will leave you with with gorgeous little succulent of mum's that's currently putting on such a lovely show of flowers at the moment.
That's it for another post from me. I'm trying to be bit more regular but my computer just crashed the other day, so I need to get that sorted! Between school and trying to stay active outside the house, things are a little busy here, but we would only be bored otherwise I guess.
We are settling in well to our new home and spending all our spare time exploring up the "mountain". We are also trying to get on our ponies when ever we can.
Hope all you beautiful people are well and in good health. I barely know what is going on in the world, as we have no TV, not that I watch it anyhow, but I hear that COVID is getting a bit out of control again, hence why I couldn't visit my gorgeous cousin and her new baby girl. I'm not sure when it is going to end or if this is all just going to be some sort of new normal now. Who knows!
I'm currently reading "The Enzyme Factor" which is a bit interesting, although I'm not sure that it's something I can follow... I might just have to die young! But his research and statistics are pretty conclusive.
Take care and do the things that make you happy!
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