Straight up I'm going to say that this isn't a post looking for sympathy.
I once walked into an emergency department after having been pinned to a rail by a heifer, one and a half hours earlier, and my pancreas was (unbeknown to us) split in half. But I think the way that I presented was the reason why they were almost going to send me home, rather than what they eventually decided to do which was to send me for a scan 'just in case'.
Another occasion, I went to see my GP on crutches, unable to weight bare after coming down with my horse and hurting my knee. She said "if you're no better in a couple of weeks, have this MRI scan". I had booked the scan anyhow because I wanted to know what I was dealing with, but by the time I got to get the appointment, I was feeling like a fraud as I could now walk again. But my ACL had ruptured and I'd also torn by meniscus and a small bone fracture.
My point is, that if you think there's something wrong, there probably is! This is especially for first time mothers with their children and I'm not going to go on with the story about my son with a tongue tie, that Drs seem to be so reluctant to diagnose.
Now, I also have a stent in my abdomen. When I was pregnant with my first, it got squashed and caused a lot of drama which led to me spending the final few weeks of my pregnancy in Brisbane on blood thinners. After he was born it was repaired and when I fell pregnant again, I was put back on blood thinners and all went smoothly. However, after I had her, I knew that she had also squashed it...... however, life gets in the road and I got busy (3yrs of busy). Whenever I had any issues, I would just take some aspirin.
Anyhow, after I sprained my ankle (yes, I know I'm fucking accident prone!!!). It didn't really heal as quickly as I thought it should and until I realised that my stent was causing problems, I thought it was getting worse, until I took a high dose of aspirin which relived it. So; I book to have the repair done, booked flights etc. The surgeon wanted to see me beforehand which was fine as he travels to Rocky, but when he saw me, he was almost trying to talk me out of it. And I was thinking "ah no mate, it needs to be done". Regardless, he sent me for an ultrasound beforehand.
NB: That Dr is only the ultrasound reporting Dr and not my Dr, just to clarify.
So, if you can't really understand that, it means that my stent is over 75% closed at one end! That's not optimal (means I have less than a quarter of my normal blood supply to my right leg)!!! So I have the surgery this week. But I told you all that saga, just to say, please, if you think that you're not right, trust your gut! Get a second opinion, get a third opinion, get a bloody fourth opinion if you still feel that strongly about it. Sometimes, we need to be the squeaky wheel to get the grease! Don't doubt yourself and even if it's just for peace of mind, then it's worth it!
Aaaanyhow, moving on!
My sister-in-law, recently celebrated a birthday and I was instructed not to reveal what number it was.... however..... cough cough, nah I won't. But all the family travelled to the beach for the weekend and it was lovely to be able to have a relaxing family holiday.
(This was the look on his face when the fountain water stopped)
The Kraken at the Yeppoon esplanade was very good for keeping the kids entertained and I was so mesmerised by the light on the water, just managed to be there at the right time of day, as it didn't last long.
Loved these two especially.
This little kid was so cute and I wished I had approached his dad to get an email so I could send them to him.
I know, I know, but I loved it.
Love this one!
Swim time with aunty Fooz.
See the rip? Was amazing to be able to see it so clearly with the dirty water.
So was our lovely weekend.
I baked a cake for aunty Fooz and despite everything tasting ok, the icing was an absolute disaster. It was far too hot, every time I had to transport it, all the icing would slide down the side. I rescued it as best I could but... yeh it was a bit sad (it's supposed to look much the same as the decorations... FAIL)!
First afternoon there the kids went for a bit of a play down at the beach, but as the coral was spawning, it was a bit stinking and we decided to stay away after that.
Yes, that's a cocktail, and yes I actually had two. Was great.
Pizza on Nanna and Poppy's bed. Miss kaka didn't really touch hers though and overnight I realised why.
I think poor little mite, may have had food poisoning (from earlier in the day). We spent most of the night with her head in a bucket (thanks grandma for providing them with 'sand' buckets otherwise I'd have been in trouble).
I had to giggle but cause the morning after being up all night, her and I stayed in the hotel room to rest until she perked up and I sent dad for Panadol. When she asked where dad was and I told her he went for medicine. She goes "yeh but I want the stuff that goes in my mouth, not up my bum"!!!!! OMFG, she's 3 and I can't remember how long ago it was that I gave her suppositories (cause she was vomiting). *When you know you're mum's a nurse* Luckily for her and probably me as well, the pharmacy was out of suppositories lol!!! No flies on this kid I tell ya!
We spent most of the night with her head in a bucket.
She had perked up by lunch, but with lack of sleep I could barely hold a conversation, so we went for a nanna nap to revive us.
But before too long it was all over! Got to have a nice run at the beach before we left though.
Getting a bit faster, although I now haven't run for a week as I picked up the flu and still only just recovering now.
And back home.
This actually happened earlier in the month... he fell off a log pile and obviously used his head as a brake!
Oh and she slipped off a chair as she was hoping up to get a drink and hit the edge of the bench. *insert face slap emoji here*.... I hope my accident prone tendencies aren't hereditary. I've already had G man under a general anaesthetic from a cut to his hand.
So, speaking of trusting your gut. I read this very interesting book about gut health and I really recommend it. It's called Clever Guts by Michael Molesley. This is just a snippet out of it though that made me laugh and go WTF.
Stole this quote!
I've lived only 10km up the road from this dude all my life..... this is the first time ever that I've actually stopped to get a photo!
Big day!
If you drink black coffee this is liquid gold!
Home made sour dough, home made feta, and home grown sun-dried tomatoes..... how's that!!
Weekend picnic with the kiddies.
Was less than 5 mins after this that a wallaby jumped out from under the horse as we walked through the grass he was hiding in. Baby Blue got a fright and kaka went out the side. (I'm seeing a pattern now..). She's a trooper but, straight back on.
Peppermint Macaroons for Garrett's teacher. I'm getting the hang of it now.
Oh and we have puppies again!! 3 little fat ones, so when I've lost the kids, I know where they are.
I stumbled across a country 50's playlist..... downloaded a few goldie oldies. Good to listen to behind a mob of cattle.
How you all doing? Xmas shopping done yet? I've done some, but still got a bit to go yet.
I'm still getting through my "body keeps the score" book, it's very heavy and hard to find the time to listen to it where I won't be interrupted and it's not the kind of thing I can listen to in the car with the kids. But it definitely worth making the time for.
Anyhow, I don't think I will have time to get back here until after xmas. But I hope you all have an absolute cracker and that you have a very Merry Xmas with loads of xmas cheer.
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