As usual, this time of year is the time for our lovely little bunch of weaners. Sadly this year we sold our little steers straight off mum, but the prices were just too good to miss the opportunity. They averaged 250kg at $4.26, so we did really well out of them! They were such a lovely and consistent bunch of steers. These photos are of what was left, so a handful of steers and the heifers and wagyus,
Our little ringers giving us a hand!
I'm just so proud of how our little herd has progressed over the years and how they are improving in their quality.
So cool morning it's a bit hard to get out and take photos, but the valley is just so pretty with the bit of low lying fog. The photos don't even really seem to do it justice though!
I love the early morning light on the blue gums. One of mu favourite things. I might have to try and paint it one day.

Isn't it funny that you can look at something and like looking at it, but think, oh that's not a very photogenic spot. But then I actually decided to take a photo of it... it just appeals to me for some reason.
Love these cute little fellas. I never realised until after I took these photos that these are the female version of the black fairy wrens that have red wings. I'd like to go back and have another go as I mixed up my camera setting and they were too dark. I get a bit caught up in the moment sometimes and I forget to check what I'm actually capturing.
When I got up the other morning to do my exercise, I saw this gorgeous moon, but by the time I got my camera out and the setting right, this was all I got.
It was very pretty the following morning too as there was a lot more fog and it looked like a gorgeous sea you could sail away on. Very pretty, but I was too slack to get my camera.

The army have been doing some burning lately, which makes the sunsets very red and lovely. It's such a beautiful time of year with the warm days and cool evenings.
Rainy mornings means pancakes!!!! Sooo delicious. WE managed to snag 30ml at the end of last month which was absolutely beautiful.
Trying to keep myself sane and doing a little bit of painting. I have all these lovely water colour paints that I've never used before, so these were my first attempts at water colours.
I was pretty happy with how they turned out.
My little pyro babies. Melt my heart when they give each other cuddles and when they stick up for each other..... and then sometimes they don't! But mostly they love each other!
Last weekend, we took a family excursion to "The Caves" and it was something a bit different to do with the kids. In the above photo you can see a water droplet on the stalactite, which doesn't happen very often, so that was cool!
The suspension bridge was a bit scary!
My cheeky girl!
Anyhow, it's raining here this morning and we've had 20mm so far which is awesome. Great weather for piklets. It's supposed to rain a bit more yet which is so awesome. With the added bonus of not having to water the lawn for a few more days. It's a really good follow up to the rain we had a couple of weeks ago when we got 30mm. I think the last time I posted it was raining! Not a bad habit to be in. Might just be time for another coffee I think.
What do you like to do on rainy days? Luckily the kids have had a pretty busy week outside so a bit of TV time today won't do them any harm. We tried to do some school this morning but G man's attention span isn't the greatest. So we might try again this arvo when Grandma gets here.
The big fella is off to a clearing sale tomorrow. So we shall see if we end up with anything new and exciting, like some dog kennels..... yay. And I have a terrarium project this weekend, so stay tuned and we shall see if they turn out. As we are moving I've not been inspired to do much in the garden, so this will give me a little living project.
Rightio trendsetters, until next time.
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