This past month has shown us some absolutely amazing skies and a few cracking storms. I was so annoyed with this one as there was so much lightening and I missed it because we were driving home from town and by the time I set my camera up, had missed heaps and then my timer didn't work properly. So I only got these two. I just love watching lightening.
These are a couple that I missed adding in my last post. These pair are so damn cute.
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This is probably my favourite with my lens ball so far. |
Always seem to be so time poor. Racing around to take a few quick pics and then off again. This was another cracker storm.
And this one was far more spectacular but I had a truck right up my but and by the time I found somewhere safe to pull over the rainbow was all but gone. Initially I had 2 massive big rainbows going right across the sky.
We had a couple of extremely humid and still days over the weekend which made for some amazing reflection shots of the clouds. Absolutely loved them.
My babies off to find some mischief to get into. Looking for bait fish I think.
Love this pair. They absolutely love fishing.
Oh and we did a Macro session in my photo club the other day..... of course now I need a new lens!!! This is a lens that I already had, but as you can see the depth of field is not great. This little dude was a very good subject considering he probably had a cracker brain freeze headache. As apparently that's a good was to slow them down to photograph. Seemed to work well.
I personally think valentines day is such a waste of money. So we went out for dinner the evening before which was absolutely love. We went to The Vue in Yeppoon and as tradition dictates with had the seafood platter and soft shelled crab! So yum!!
Ol G man is a bit of a deadly fisherman now! |
And missy loves it too of course! I'm amazed that she has the patience for it. |
ha ha bad shot kaka |
I got to go to a painting day at Marlborough which one of the ladies organised for us. It was just lovely, a lovely and relaxing day! I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for the next one. So amazing to see so many different results from the one subject. Love it.
This was mine.
With a bit of rain around, Half Way Crk had a little run in it which was fun for some afternoon play time. I think I still have some photos in my camera from this particular afternoon.
Kindy is a good excuse for lots of storeys. |
I have loved every storm that we've seen this year and I've been so disappointed that I'm always too time poor to capture them.
I went out to return a borrowed horse to some friends at Springsure and on my return home, these pair were doing a 'train the trainer' course in Emerald. So I called in to say G'day.
Another cracker storm. Loved the big curve on it. This was just with my phone.
Photo really doesn't do it justice. |
Did a bit of chilling at the beach. I can't wait for the weather to cool down so we can go and spend a night. |
Crazy dog
Again the photo doesn't really do it justice. |
So I've been listening to this eBook which is all about making good habits and I've decided to try and clean on thing a day. Even if it's just one cupboard and so I'm slowly getting through my house.
I spoke to my mother in law (wow that sounds way worse than it should!!), about how I wanted a pie maker and she had a sausage roll maker that she doesn't use! OMG we are going to get so fat! It's awesome!
We've had a couple of rainy days this week, which seems to be the only chance I get to do my blog lately. Also means that the kids go a bit crazy being locked inside the house all day. There's only so much paw patrol one can withstand! So we did some painting.
Even mum got in on the action too. |
And today we did some drilling. Unfortunately when I left to change miss kaka, g-man though that the tyre needed a hole drilling in it *insert F-Me face here*. So lesson learnt about unsupervised drilling.
I've been listening to this eBook which has me a bit captivated. It's called Atomic Habits and it sounds a bit boring, but it's really very good and a lot of his analogies are really accurate. So I've enjoyed it an I've almost finished it which is saying something!!
Also I have a new play list which I'm enjoying. Runaway June is a band that just released a new album and I quite like a few of theirs. And Drink About Me by Brett Kissell is alright too.
Well good people it's raining again and looks like it might flood this week. So you can't win. But I'd rather rain than no rain even if it is a bit too much sometimes.
Also I have a new play list which I'm enjoying. Runaway June is a band that just released a new album and I quite like a few of theirs. And Drink About Me by Brett Kissell is alright too.
Well good people it's raining again and looks like it might flood this week. So you can't win. But I'd rather rain than no rain even if it is a bit too much sometimes.
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