Sunday, 18 August 2019

Domesticated Sundays

As per usual the time seems to fly by. I have not been out with my camera since my last blog and to be honest I'm not to sure exactly what I've been up to! Lots of of house work *yay*.... 
 Mum and I decided to have a garage sale which seemed like a good excuse to have a good clean out. Makes you feel so much better! 

My beautiful babies. 

Beautiful even on the days when they can't leave me alone to drink my coffee!

Uncle Louy must have put his horse in the dryer. 

If you have even read a fraction of my blog, I reckon you would have an airfryer by now! I should be on a commission. 

Notice the jewels.... loves her Chiefy! 

Haven't had much of a chance to get out and about to see our lovely bunch of weaners this year. With our buggy being in the workshop for so long and once it came home J was very busy with it, the kids and I have been a bit house bound. So it was nice to get out a little and see them! 

My mate Ange gave me this plant and I've managed to keep it alive and it even had a flower!

I can never seem to get anything to live in this pot! So I planted a bit of "Won't die" as my lovely husband named it! 

Saw this one on pinterest. Stole the idea and for once it actually worked. 

Sourdough attemp #3. Kaka seemed to like it. Bit dense though! 

A couple of photos still trickling through from Ange's wedding.  

White Choc Mud Attempt #1 FAIL
Had a bit of bad luck with my cooking. I bought a very high and narrow tin and trying to get the cooking temps and time right are a bit of a pain. Anyhow. I have now lent the tin to mum so hopefully she has more luck than I.

Still tasted alright. 

Finally got my sourdough to work. This is sourdough and rye which may have made a difference. The one just before this one, rose so much that it overflowed in the bread maker and took me an hour to clean! 

My horse mad daughter! G man was pretty happy to be leading her around. 

Our new addition from up the road, a silky chicken "cockatoo"

Got these two out of an old mitre 10 calendar and I thought they were pretty funny! 

Unicorn Poos. Kids loved them! 

Been trying to be a better gardener. 

Lunch time siesta, between fence repairing and I got kicked out of my bed. 

This photo doesn't really do it justice, but the morning was so beautiful and the moon looked massive. I should have been out with my camera as I wasn't really in the mood for running.  

Fog Bow

While I was in town with mum for our garage sale, the big fella put the kids to work, opening gates!

And they got into a little mischief. 

And caught a fish!

So today, being a Sunday, the big fella is up the road helping the neighbours and I had to use up some mashed pumpkin, so Ta Da..... cake! 

Mum sent me home with a bunch of phlox and these two gorgeous double delights. So I'm feeling very domesticated today. With a couple of candles burning, fresh cakes and fresh flowers.

I've found one by Tim McGraw that I hadn't heard before, and being that we have his concert next month, Ive been listening to a bit of his stuff. "The Ride", I'm a bit of a fan, there's so many of his that I can listen to and you get to know so many from back in the days when you actually had to listen to every song on the album because it was on a cassette! 

Take care everyone xx 

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