Thursday, 4 October 2018

Friends, Fishing, Fencing, Fixing Leaks and Photos

Smoko by the creek, in style with coffee!

My dear friend Sheree came to visit during this school holidays and it was so wonderful to be able to catch up and let our kids play together. Poor old Gman doesn't get much social interaction and it was amazing the change in him over the week. 

Was nice to get the two old (sorry not old, wise) jillaroos back out on horses and doing some work together, even if it was pretty steady work with kids tagging along. 

Bethany on Sam and Sheree on Jatz


Putting the kids to work doing a lick run. 

Giving a bit of cheek. 

'Wise' mum had to do a running jump, slide and save, to catch this catty when he jumped on and stole the line away from Zac!! Nice Save MUM!!

Zachy with his catch.

Despite the miraculous amount of patience show by all the kids, Zac was the only one to score a fish. We even tried to use it in the crab pot but to no avail. 

Miss Kaka the little legend, just sat and played by herself for over an hour and a half while we sat on the bank fishing. 

The climbing has begun!

Fishing crew

Getting some crab pot bait

Marshmellows by the fire

Lick run team

Mud monkeys

My mother commented that we were getting old and drinking coffee by the creek instead of beer.... so we had to have a beer at lunch time, which tasted so good we had to follow it up with a few more. Needless to say we were a bit steady the next day and poor Sheree had to face the long drive back home to Springsure with two kids towing a horse float. Was worth it though and a fitting end to a great week. Luckily the kids were worn out. 

So after a steady couple of days to regroup, it was back to work. Monday was spent driving around and digging up the many leaking pipes that have sprung up in this dry weather. One particular section of pipe is so damn deep, you would think you were burying a body. I can currently report that 2/3 are now fixed but unfortunately, one is still leaking, but hopefully with the new joiner that Justin put on this morning, should be right to go. 

The next day was spent replacing some old fence that was a bit FUBAR and I was going to have a photo for you, but my phone when flat from some little gremlin using it to take thousands of photos. 

I'm not a big advocate of letting kids have phones etc, but there is a time and a place for it and when I'm using an oxy is a pretty good time. At least he managed to get 2 photos out of the thousands but as I said to a friend of mine, he could have taken some photos of me actually doing some work.

Miss Kaka occupying herself while we fixed the leak. 

My little troll. Eating choc chip biccy and cruising in the buggy! What a life. 

Our new BBB bulls. 
While Sheree was visiting, Justin went to the BBB bull sale and bought us 3 new bulls. They are little beauties and hopefully will impress the ladies!

I drove out to the highway yesterday to collect our new bulls from another truck driver, meanwhile my offsider in the back slept in her reclined car seat. I didn't realise until I got there that her seat had actually fallen backwards so she was flat on her back with her legs in the air. Funny as. The other truck driver was pretty impressed. 

Gman helping us cross brand. 

So in other news, we have decided not to go to CMC this year, the line up of artists is a little more pop-country than our tastes, so we are hanging out to see who will be attending the Winton's Way Out West Festival. But I have been listening to some of the artisits and here is one of my picks so far "Stay" by Florida Georgia Line.

Aaaand in some other exciting news, I'm going to JAPAN!!! Wow. Not until November next year, but it's a bit exciting just the same. I can't wait. I'm going to be going with my cousin Jess and while Japan isn't really that high up on my list of places to see, I'm sure we are going to have a ball!!

How are you all? Please tell me you're getting some rain! There have been some storms around. I feel as though we are getting close. #onedayclosertorain

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