Sunday, 21 October 2018


So my baby girl turned 1 this month! Good grief where did that time slip away to? There are times when I think of all the cool things that we will get up to when she is older, but I need to remind myself of how quickly the time is going to slip away! 

I came across this bit of wisdom the other day and I was really impressed by it, so I will share with you. I'm not sure who the author was, but it's great advice.

A few important rules to teach your daughter:
• Travel light through life. Keep only what you need.
• It’s okay to cry when you’re hurt. It’s also okay to smash (some) things; but, wash your face, clean your mess & get up off the floor when you’re done. You don’t belong down there.
• Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
• 5-second rule. It’s just dirt. There are worse things in a fast food cheeseburger.
• You’re a woman, you don’t NEED a man- but it’s ok to want the right one.
• Happiness is not a permanent state, it takes intentional effort everyday.
• Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.
• Never, ever walk through an alley alone!
• Be less sugar, more spice, and only as nice as you’re able to without compromising yourself.
• CAN’T is a cop-out, set your goals high.
• If you can’t smile with your eyes, don’t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.
• Never lie to yourself.
• Your body, your rules.
• Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.
• Wish on stars & dandelions, then get to WORK to make them happen.
• Stay as sweet as you are.
• Fall in love with music, memories, literature, food & travel.
• Take lots of pictures along the way.
• Say Please, Thank You & I’m Sorry whenever the situation warrants it.
• Naps are for grown-ups too.
• Question everything, except your own INTUITION.
• You have enough, you are enough.
• You’re AMAZING! Don't let anyone ever make you feel you’re not. If someone does... walk away. You deserve better. Never forget that!
• No matter where you are, you can always come home... ALWAYS!!
• Say what you mean & mean what you say.
• No one will ever LOVE YOU more than I do.
• Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you.
• If in doubt, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown 

Hopefully I will be able to instil these values into my little girl. 

As we did with Garrett, I made a smash cake for miss KaKa. She seemed to get the idea of it pretty quick. 

(You'll also see in the video that I managed to get a room in the shed cleared out, I'm a bit excited to have my own little space. Just need to get some projects on the go now.)

Dad wasn't up for a cuddle. 

The devastation 

She wasn't very happy when mum wouldn't cuddle her either. 

We decided that as Kaka's birthday fell on a Saturday we would take the family to the beach. It was a lovely outing. I think G-man was a bit impressed with the "Oshen" and kaka loved getting covered in sand. Grandma and poppy came too and we all enjoyed a lovely feed of fish and chips followed by some ice cream. Then home to Grandma's for the smash cake and then home again. 

Yes, we have another family member. Meet 'Poncho'. Not too sure how this little lady came to be orphaned but she is coming along well, not the most social pody, but very healthy looking and playful.  

I think miss Kaka might have a bit of a aptitude for horse riding. She hangs on so well and was showing off in the this photo "look mum, no hands", omg it has begun! 

Finally got this big fella who had been gorging himself on our grain bin. I can't take the credit for the shot though, Justin got him. 

We did a bit of a repair to our trough and added a bit more gravel. 

Despite how dry it's been our weaners are looking pretty happy and healthy. Always such a credit to Justin, with his attention to their nutritional requirements. I'm pleased to say that since I took this photo, we had 40mm of rain and it has greened up slightly although we are now very much hoping for some follow up rain. 

I look at this photo above and I'm reminded of how lucky we are to live the life that we live. There are not many opportunities for people in life to be able to do the work that they love and are passionate about and to be able to do it with their family. Kaka was helping dad to cut up a killer. It was rather funny, at one point she was wanting to be picked up, so I was holding on to her and cutting out the ribs. Justin said to me, "If she ever grows up to be a vegetarian I'm going to torment her with stories of how, mum was nursing you and knocking out some ribs".  Oh well, you just do what you've got to do I think. 

Bit of downtime in the mud. 

I'm not too sure why she wasn't happy here. 

Me, Jenna and Erin
A couple of my girlfriends asked me to go to Dirty Dicks Theatre restaurant. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a really fun night. We were all given names and it was a 3 course meal with a comedy skit show in between. I would recommend it. 

Of course with rain, there is the chance to light "FIRE" and master G is getting a bit excited about the fire lighting now. I think he comes from a long succession of pyromaniacs.  


Gotta love seeing those green shoots. 

New pool?? Perhaps not! Shame, it would have been good. 
Here are some photos from the past year with miss Kaka

So here are a few snaps from out and about. It's weird for me to say this, but I'm starting to become a morning person and it's nice to be able to get up and out of bed before the kids and get some stuff done and I also managed to get my camera out and take a few pics. 

This photo actually looks upside down but it's not, that was how the bee was. 

little poser. 

The rain brought on these rain lilies and I was very lucky to be able to catch the light as they only last for a couple of days and the afternoon before the sun was behind a cloud.

I also have a few here from the professional photoshoot we had the other day with DMK Photography. I will share a few of my favourites. Before I sign off. Here's hoping we get a little more rain. I will leave you with this song too, "Music is Healing" by Florida Georgia Line. It's one of my favourites at the moment.