Sometimes when I play with my photos I ended up really frustrated and with nothing very impressive to show for my efforts. This, however, is not one of those moments. I really like this and while it may not be technically "correct" I like and that's all that matters.
It has been nice to get out with my camera a little bit lately. I feel as though I've been a bit slack on the photo side of things. But, life is busy as well all know and as I go back through my photos I see just how busy I've been, over a month since my last post.
We've done our preg-testing and weaning this month. We are so stoked with our pregnancy rate and I must say it is such a credit to my husband for the work he has put into our cattle, with supplements, nutrition and disease management to bring our calving percentage up to where it is. Our weaners are once again a lovely bunch of calm and healthy animals, which is another testament to the work he puts into handling and educating them.... go team!!
My close friend Ange came to visit over the past couple of days and I tell you, it just warms my heart when close friends love my babies too, it's such a great feeling.
Black and white is also something that I don't do very often, but with these sun flares, I think it's nice.
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Mum's girl right there!! |
Geez we made some good looking babies!
"There, there Ka Kaa"
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"You right mate" |
I don't know if I've posted a photo of the new entrance that my dear darling built (crikey he's gonna get a swelled head this blog), with the slashing that Dick did while he was here, it makes for some nice afternoon vistas.
If you haven't guessed, sun flares are my new favourite thing at the moment.
Bath in the kitchen sink! What kid hasn't done that?
I just absolutely love this tree, at this time of year it sheds it leaves which makes for some beautiful photos with the setting sun.
From my phone:
My cool dude!
First baby above, having a book read to him! Second baby below, left to fend for herself with a piece of bailing twine.
Yes so the state of origin didn't fair too well for us, but we still got some nice shirts lol. Family photo done by facetime with Grandma to get everyone looking. |
Ever boy needs his dog and Ralphie has been such a wonderful addition to our family. |
Mumma even got out to do a little bit of mustering this month which was a very welcome change to get out of the house! These are our first calf pregnant heifers. YAY
Few foggy mornings, one morning it didn't clear until after 10am!
Got to ride some of my very green ponies and I was incredibly impressed with how they went considering the lack of attention they have had over the past few years.
Of course grandma to babysit so that I could go and help with the cattle work.
We also had a visit from Aunty Melissa and the cousins Darcy and Mia which was pretty cool. Cousins are always so much fun! It will be cool when they are big enough to come for sleeps without mum or dad, I remember that being so much fun when I was a kid.
Yes more photos of my babies!! |
Cool dude!! |
Justin came home for smoko and told me about a mob of pigs he spotted and he sent me after them!! I was so damn excited I only got 3 out of 5, but I had a lot of fun! I get too excited, like a mongrel dog and shake too much.
I still managed a reasonable shot with my 223 across the creek to hit one. You can only just seem him on the bank in the below photo, in the middle of the picture he's just a little spot. So I've not completely lost my touch lol.
Grandma spoils the kidlets with presents from the Rocky River Festival. |
God I love this bunch!!
Poor old pirate got a bit crook last year while she had a calf and didn't manage to get back into calf.... yes we are keeping her and yes I know we are soft but I don't care. |
Love this kid! |
My two offsiders |
These are such lovely gifts I think. A good friend of ours sent one for each of the kids! Instant hit! |
The kids and I also got spoilt with gifts when Aunty Ange came to visit. |
Woolies forgot my eggs, so I had to appeal to my neighbour who obliged with the most beautiful eggs ever!! YUM! |
Sooo independent. |
Yes more weaners.
So we are off again to get the babies in with my two offsiders. Hubby is away this weekend helping with the cattle work at Paradise Lagoons Campdraft, so we are holding up the fort while he is away.
Hope the weather has been kind to you. I've seen a lot of frost photos getting around and although I would like the opportunity to photograph it, I don't think I'd like to get out of bed for it!
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