Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Colours, Crocs and Clowns.

My photography club, went out to Lammermoor beach the other morning, and while I did not appreciate the 4:30 start, I got a couple of nice shots that I'm reasonably happy with. Some of the other members of the group got some real stunners, so I will have to go and practise a bit more.

Also need to buy myself some neutral density filters, as these couple of shots were taken when the leader of the excursion loaned me his.

Tried to get a maternity pose, but I think I still need to wait until I've got a bigger belly, I had hope for some wind, but it was very stil.

Was a nice little outing none the less. 

I also had a bit of a play with stitching some shots together for a milky way panorama, but since I got some feedback from my photo group, I will have to adjust some settings and try again.

I went out to 'help' Justin get the weaners in one afternoon. It was more so that I could take some photos and so that bub could have a look around. But I did keep getting 'the eye' as if to say 'what on earth are you doing'!

Like here

And here I was in trouble for baulking them in the gateway 

So I opted to hang right back, out of the road!

Bub thought it was pretty cool fun though. 

There were hundreds of these little fellas and they would swell around us as we drove about. Obviously we were disturbing the insects. 

I thought they were pretty cute though. 

"What are you looking at!"

Because I'm too lazy to create a cat-proof sandpit, it's far easier for me to drive G-man to the sand and plus it give me opportunities to take photos of bird life. There were some beautiful little birds, bathing in a puddle but I was very disappointed because the first afternoon my shutter speed was too slow and so I didn't capture any detail, the next afternoon my shutter speed was too fast and so I didn't capture enough light, and the third afternoon.... the puddle had dried up!! Of course!

This was the best of a bad bunch!


Also found these weird little plants that were covered in sticky stuff, I don't recall ever seeing them before, but then again my memory is not what it used to be.

These cooler afternoons make for some lovely sky colours but not so good for the fishing, although we did score a couple of crabs that were very yummy!

It would also appear that we have an unwelcome resident in our creek, on the opposite bank to where we go fishing. Fortunately, our side of the bank is quite high and steep, so it's relatively safe. Even though we are always aware they could be there, it's still a bit unnerving to see one.

This next video, shows our crop and how it's grown. One of our aerial pig shooters was having a bit of a giggle at our lines, but I thought we had done quite well with our limited experience and lack of high tech equipment! It also shows where the army have made themselves at home, directly above our house, creating what appears to be a new turn-off for their upcoming exercise. 

These are some shots from Dick's drone, of their lighting plants at night, they are enough to blind you when you drive up the road towards them! I feel as though I should put in a noise complaint, with them working at all hours of the night.

Below is a bit more footage from Dick's drone of the morning fog with the sun rising over it, which I thought was pretty cool. 

Below is some that I took from a paddock we call "Bottom Bullock" and it shows the mouth of the Herbert Creek. The Herbert appears in a number of my other drone videos I've taken from the house, but this one is a bit closer to the mouth. 

From my phone:

I decided that as I will be delivering this baby in Brisbane again, and with all the bad luck I seem to have had in Rockhampton, that I would see the one obstetrician in Brisbane for the whole pregnancy. Unfortunately, this means I have two extra trips to Brisbane that I had not planned for. 

Meanwhile; G-man and dad stayed home to truck some fat cows and drink lots of cups of tea!

Found this guy on the mall in Rocky! Kenny the Clydesdale! Very cool! 

My veges are growing 

The Scone Bake-Off

Dick's were on the left and mine on the right.
When Dick arrived here a few weeks ago, he came laden with Self Raising flour, lemonade and sultanas, promising the world with these you-beaut scones he makes. 


So we decided to have a bake off. Convinced that my family-secret, scone recipe could out-do any other scone (the fact that I don't really like to eat, or make them, didn't come into the equation... I'm a piklet girl).


I must say that I probably would have had him, but the bottoms on mine were slightly burnt which was a bit of a let down, otherwise they were a pretty even match! I don't think there was really that big of a time difference either. Perhaps we should have invited some more tasters.

Last state of origin, we were waiting in the base hospital to have bub's hand looked at, that ended up getting 5 sutures. So this time, I made some pizza. Now not to toot my own horn, but toot toot.... I make a pretty darn good pizza! Yummo

My double delight is looking lovely... good enough to eat according to my darling boy!

This was right after he ate a handful of gravel out of the wagon I had been towing him in, mind you. 

Makes your teeth hurt when you hear him crunching on dirt! Yummo! Then proceeds to spit out his veges if there is lumps in it. 

Down and up the hill with him tied to my belt in the wagon, is a bit of a hard slog for this little fatty (meaning me)!




This time we've had contractors working on our road, rather than the council and they have done an amazing job in such a short period of time and they weren't even allowed to use any gravel! Nothing short of a miracle if you ask me! 

This years weaners enjoying some paragrass 

Rocky Show

Bought myself a new hat!

I must say, that the Rocky show isn't normally something that really floats my boat, but G-man is starting to get to an age where he can interact a bit more, so I thought why not. My wallet got quite the work-out and I now know it might be best to avoid in the future..... although we had a lot of fun! 

He caught onto the clowns pretty quick

Played the clowns and the ducks!
Ate some Fairy Floss!
Won a slinky!
Saw the birdies!

So was a pretty good day all around and of course ate way too much rubbish food and spent too much money. But it was fun. 

So that's what we have been up to! Way too much time in town recently but I guess that's just the time of the year. I will be looking forward to a change of pace, but it doesn't seem to be in the near future.

What have you been up to? Any local shows? Enjoying the cooler weather? I must say I'm enjoying the change in my clothes for this pregnancy compared to the last, it's nice to have  few extra layers on.

Left is now 23 weeks and Right is G-man at 23 weeks. 
Doesn't appear to be that much of a size difference but I'm sure that I've been way more indulgent this time compared to last.


Maria said...

Amazing photos. They all look pretty good to me. I often get "the look" when the boys are trying to muster and get cattle through gates. Shows are fun but are definitely only a 2 or 3 yearly things here.

Anything Goes said...

Thanks love. Yes I think most rural wives can appreciate 'the look' lol. Do you have a blog? I always love getting your comments.