Saturday, 21 January 2017


So this week is all photos and not really much storey. I stole some tips/ ideas from my lovely sister-inlaw, whose photography site you can find here, about taking photos of flowers. She recently took a really beautiful one of a gerbera that is worth a peek.

I had a bit of fun with it anyhow. 

In other news I got my new zoom lens, which I am absolutely in love with. The photo above and  two below are both at the full extent of the zoom at 400mm and they are both so clear! I absolutely love it! Can't wait to take some more.

So continuing with our 52 week photo challenge, last week was 'clouds' and so I decided to do a video of photos. 

Then this week was 'red' so I chose to do red dirt and red shirt. This is a spot I have been wanting to try out for a photo shoot location for a while now and the 'red' theme seemed like a good opportunity. My shoulders are also now a bit red from the experience.

At the time it was too glary to look at my photos through my camera so I had to wait until I returned home. In hindsight I wished I had used my new lens to get a crisper image, however I still had fun. I think I need to find a new model other than myself though ha ha.  I must say I'm enjoying having a photo 'task' each week that gives me something different to do.

I did try at one stage to take a photo lying down, but the scorching rocks soon put an end to that idea.

How is your weekend? Are you doing anything new?

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