Saturday, 21 January 2017


So this week is all photos and not really much storey. I stole some tips/ ideas from my lovely sister-inlaw, whose photography site you can find here, about taking photos of flowers. She recently took a really beautiful one of a gerbera that is worth a peek.

I had a bit of fun with it anyhow. 

In other news I got my new zoom lens, which I am absolutely in love with. The photo above and  two below are both at the full extent of the zoom at 400mm and they are both so clear! I absolutely love it! Can't wait to take some more.

So continuing with our 52 week photo challenge, last week was 'clouds' and so I decided to do a video of photos. 

Then this week was 'red' so I chose to do red dirt and red shirt. This is a spot I have been wanting to try out for a photo shoot location for a while now and the 'red' theme seemed like a good opportunity. My shoulders are also now a bit red from the experience.

At the time it was too glary to look at my photos through my camera so I had to wait until I returned home. In hindsight I wished I had used my new lens to get a crisper image, however I still had fun. I think I need to find a new model other than myself though ha ha.  I must say I'm enjoying having a photo 'task' each week that gives me something different to do.

I did try at one stage to take a photo lying down, but the scorching rocks soon put an end to that idea.

How is your weekend? Are you doing anything new?

Saturday, 14 January 2017

The Moon and its Tide

With the heat this last week, being unwell and then having guests over new year, I've not really been out of the house much, so I headed out for an evening of photos. It was too wet for me to drive to the creek so I had to walk/ trudge through mud a few km to get out there but I was pleased that I did because I got a few nice photos along the way. 

You can just see the spec of my ute in this photo to the bottom left of the moon. 

This water is all from the salt water tide that broke the banks and flooded the paddock. 

The roar of it really surprised me. So much water!

This is a drone video that I took of our tide from a couple of months ago when we had the super moon. It probably doesn't show the tide's ferociousness very well because I'm a bit too scared to get my drone too close. But you get the idea. I really needed to be in a narrower part of the creek, so you could appreciate the initial wave a bit better.  

My cousin and my sister-inlaw and I have decided to do a 52 week photo challenge and week one was self portrait. Now in keeping with my new years resolution of being kinder to myself, my body image is something I've always struggled with and numerous scars from various surgeries hasn't helped. Now believe me when I say that I'm no exhibitionist (despite rumors you may hear about me mooning people at a recent birthday celebration) but I decided to do a 'nude' shoot, I figured if the college vet students could do it tastefully then so could I. 

Believe me when I say it wasn't something that was easy to do, but eventually I just had a laugh at myself and did it and it was a lot of fun. 

Here are a couple of songs that I forgot to mention last week that go well with my new years resolution, both by Kasey Musgraves Follow your Arrow and Biscuits.

Got to love how the hose can keep him occupied for ages, it's my latest trick for keeping the gremlin busy while I unpack groceries.

What songs are you listening to? How are your resolutions going?

Friday, 6 January 2017


I'm not normally a new years resolutions person but this year I have decided to give it a go. To be honest I have really been working on these for a fair amount of 2016 but I'm hoping that 2017 will allow me to hone these skills. 

I plan to focus more on the things that I can control and not on those that I have no control over.
 I have no control over the weather, the cattle market, interest rates or military acquisitions, so there is no point in fixating on them. 
Although I feel as though I nearly always have the best of intentions, I have no control over how people perceive me, my actions or my opinions. So there is no point mulling over what others might or might not be thinking. 

This brings me to my next resolution of being kinder to myself. I read a book called "You are Enough" by Cassie-Mendoza Jones which explains this in some detail and how to do it, but basically it's about loving yourself right now as you are and not expecting perfection but to just be the best version of yourself now. This means letting go of the guilt that comes with eating cake or sleeping in or having a day off and accepting that I'm not going to be perfect all the time but it's all about balance. 

So basically I plan to be kinder to myself and give myself some love and forgiveness this year. 

Like these beautiful pair! 

So here's to focusing on the positives and looking on the bright side! 

My lovely roses

We had this gorgeous rainbow between xmas and new year, unfortunately I had rain on my lens and didn't realise until after.

This one is not far from our house but it almost looks like another country

New Year 2017!

So with a few good mates, some blurry phone photos, glowing balloons and the weirdest card game of 'Cards Against Humanity' we brought in the new year. 

Nomes and I 

Had to have a FIRE!


Dave and Nomes

J and G photo bombing my phone! 

Cheeky monkey!

Reading storeys to Master Garrett and Master Thomas. They are a bit darn cute! 
We've had an inch of rain which is lovely and I've just recovered from a bit of a flu that I'm crossing my fingers that bub doesn't get.
 I'm thinking that this year is going to be a good one! 

Do you have any resolutions this year? How did you fair after the new years celebrations? Any good rain?