The Jellyfish.
The Storey Bridge Hotel
Le Bon Choix
And lots of other places that I neglected to photograph because we were hungry and ate it lol.
We also were patriotic on Australia Day, having lamingtons and snag on bread.
I was also lucky enough to have a surprise visit from my dear friend Sheree, who bravely left her children at home for the first time and flew down for the weekend. We had a lovely time and as always ended too soon.
News from home......
We have puppies!!! Pumba was at the end of her 'hotness' and the other dogs seemed to have lost interest, but we think it must have been a bit of deception on the dog's part, because while we were making a trip to the dump, Bill was busy "courting" Pumba. I was none too impressed and out of frustration chased them with a big stick, which quickly separated the happy couple, leaving us to think that we may have prevented the litter. We were wrong. Justin had only just mentioned to me a couple of days earlier that Pumba was looking a bit stocky. We now know why, with 4 pups, all to be given away to anyone who wants them when they are ready (we have enough dogs).
Waiting on more photos from home, but my poor husband is very busy, getting ready to come for a visit..... Yay.
As for Jam Drop...
Well we now have a car seat and a cot
Mum is getting much bigger
And Bub is cute at ever
As I said, despite all this great food and good company, I'm still missing home and looking forward to my husband visiting some time this week!!
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