Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Just another day in paradise.

It's funny when you go back through you phone or camera and find photos that you had forgotten about! These are from a cocktail afternoon a few weeks ago! Very cheeky!

 Our trip to Crestwood a few weeks ago to check on our steers. They look happy!

Some UFO. Sightings. I tried to google what had caused them, but all I could find was UFO so I'll go with that. 

Might have to same these if they plan on sticking around!

Anna found a nice chair on Indie.

Not particularly impressed with the tides putting this salty water into our paddock!

Giving Justin a hand to put in a strainer post on the creek to stop the cattle walking around it. 

Deciding that it might be a bit too risky to take the tractor into the mud! Good call I think. 

My tomato harvest!! Yummo!

My gorgeous snapdragons that mum grew and planted for me!

Soo pretty!

My new robe! Not my colour but it's VERY warm!!

Had a visit from my beautiful friend Ange and her two youngest. Was lovely to have a catch up.

Chilling out with Indie, who had hurt her leg and was resting. 

After my visit from Ange, we went out that afternoon to pull the bore because we hadn't had water for a couple of days. We had done all the checks that we normally do before pulling a bore; ensuring there is power and none of the switches were stuffed. Nope..... has to be the submersible, or a hole in the submerged line. So we pulled it up. Not a task that is particularly pleasant. Replaced the submersible and put it back down...... Nothing!!! What the?!? So we ran through everything again! Nothing! All the plugs were good, pressure switch was good, there was no hole in the line, everything should have worked, it was a band new subby and by now we are pretty good electricians, so we were sure that everything should have been fine...... So I sat and stared at it, because that's what I do when things are completely baffling. Now you may think what I'm about to say is obvious, but believe me, it's not!

There is a tap in the line (only because it's the only fitting we had that size and it just so happened to be a tap), just before the pressure switch, I thought "self, I wonder if that taps is turned on self?". It wasn't! Some #$%&^@, had used our submersible (we have another tap with a hose attached) and turned the main tap off. We were not impressed. By turning this tap off, it had stopped the flow down the line and therefore our secondary pump was not getting water and thankfully the flow switch on that saved it from oblivion, not to mention our cattle that were fast running out of water. Not to mention the time and effort we spent replacing the pump, when there probably was no need to.... Grrr!  Needless to say, I removed the 'tap handle' part of the fitting so it is not so easy to turn on and off. Just when you think you know everything that could possibly so wrong with it!! What a day.

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