Saturday, 25 April 2015

Show and Harvesting Hymenachne

 So mum can bake a cake..... first place in the fruit cake competition at the Marlborough Show. It was a massive turn out this year because the prize money for first place was $150. Needless to say mum was pretty pleased with herself.

I managed a third place in the time trial and was a bit disappointed in myself for not getting his front feet through far enough, so I lost a few seconds. But it's all in good fun! Our dog chief made the most money out of all of us. He won the dog jump and first place is $350 so he bought a few dog biccys and perhaps and extra cup of biccys for dinner! I bid him up in the Calcutta to $325 so I was a bit worried that I had lost some money! Luckily, dog can jump! Was a great weekend and pulling up at 3am at the bar meant for some sore heads at clean up the next day.

Leading up to the show, we had to remove some floating hymenachne out of our dam, because the wind kept picking it up and moving it across the dam and ripping out out submersible. So after many failed attempts including ropes and hooks and makeshift anchors to try and hook it out. We found a winning formulation!

We make it look easy I know, but believe me.... it's not a fun job! And no we don't plan on contracting ourselves out as hymenachne removalists!

These were only a few of the piles

Chief holding it down for us!

My view from in the water! Not my favourite place! I'm not a water person

The view after we all most of it out.... just one more patch on the far side of the dam in the corner to go!

For sale: 1 hymenachne removal device... slightly used but effective. Thinking about putting it on ebay! Rope included!

All the floating hymenache out, finally got the submersible back in. 

Smart cows, didn't even have to get their feet wet for a feed!

Couple of crisp mornings make the mountains look like something off a old fashioned movie set. 

Helping the neighbour!

These are our afternoons! 

RIP Tiger pup, unfortunate accident left us a pup short :( 

Rabbit is growing 

Pirate and puppy feed time. 

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