Very at home. |

So this is "Rabbit". A very lucky rabbit. I will not tell you how we came by this little lady, but I have had her for a couple of weeks now and she is sucking well, so hopefully, she will grow into a beautiful little pet for us. As well as subdue some of the nagging maternal urges.
Our fence is finally finished this week..... YAY!!!! Now we have a laneway from one end of the property to the other. Extremely handy, and will cut down on a lot of manpower. This has long been a dream of dad's and it feels good to be able to finally finish it.
Having resisted the urge of working so close to the crab-pot holes for the duration of the fence building, we decided to try our luck on our last day. Unfortunately the tides are too big and crabs are too few, we not only came home empty handed, but the tide buried two of our pots. Bugger! Oh well, just have to have some chip and dip to celebrate the occasion.
Checking on our cows we saw this beauty. She's a round as she is tall poor dear! |
Tried to get some footage of the big tide, but we were too late. Oh well next time. |
Maybe on the new moon I will try again. |
Luckily Justin has been keeping the lick up to these little first calf girls of dads while they are up in the timber, otherwise they might not be in such good condition.
This girl was so funny to watch, she stuck her nose right into it and snorted it everywhere. They get a bit partial to their lick, that's for sure, especially when you can just about pat them while they eat it.
We had 17ml on Monday afternoon, just enough to put a bit of a green tinge around the place. |
Pickings from the garden. |
And the vege patch, made a nice potato and leek soup. As well as rhubarb jam (the jury is still out on that one). |
Interesting vegetables I seem to grow. |
Justin snapped this calf trying to lick the tyres. |
Cat looked like I felt after last weeks liver damage. |
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