Same tree. |
A few weeks ago. |
Dad came to visit, to do some grading for us; so while we were out putting split-posts along the new, freshly-graded fence line, we weren't terribly concerned when we saw the smoke billowing about where we thought dad was grading. Being a bit of a pyro, we thought he had lit up a stack of logs or something like that. I called him on the two-way, "Dad, are you ok? Or did you light that?". The response wasn't completely clear but I heard, "I'll call you back in 10 minutes". So we finished unloading the split post off the truck and headed home to get a new lot. However, when I got to where I thought the smoke was coming from, it was much further away. (Very deceiving in timbered country). A call on my mobile from Dick confirmed, "the dump is on fire and has taken off". Bugger! So we raced home. Luckily dad was on his grader and putting in a break around it. Meanwhile Justin and I struggled in vain to get pumps to work and water to fill the fire-fighter unit. Eventually we got some success but most of the fanfare was over. Dad had got most of it under control and we put out where it had jumped the break in a few places and our strainer posts that had caught fire.

Luckily the wind was blowing away from the house even though we have a pretty large cleared, 'safe zone' around the house it was still a pretty fierce wind and could have been a bit scary if it was coming towards us. Despite the fact that it really isn't the best time of year, that country really did need a good burn; plus it only burnt a relatively small area so we were pretty lucky all round.
Lots of these fellas enjoying the spoils. |
My pyro husband lighting a circle around me. |
"You better move now" he says. |
Does he realise I'm going to put this on my blog I wonder? |
My face says it all, "unhand my camera you cretin" |
Jumped the break, "oh no, not the pangola" |
So that was our bit of excitement for the week. Note to self...... put a fire break around the dump! Just for such an occasion.
Time to cool off. |
Hope these little fellas are right, they have been on the band wagon for a while. |
My gate building for the week 9 cocky's gates. Not professional but they will do the job!! |
Back to putting posts on the line. |
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