Seems that it's the season for fires. Everyone I seem to talk to is fighting fires. So scary with all this wind around. There was one that jumped the break out the army country, but this year, which is unlike other years, they actually had a team of "fireland" people who came out to fight it. Equiped with all their own fire fighting gear and an aerial bomber as well which was pretty cool!
We could see the glow of this fire out of our bedroom window, so this family of pyros snuck out for a late night drive to see what was happening. They were doing a back burn, late at night and had obviously only just lit it up. Was pretty spectacular and the glow was awesome!
That's all the photos I've manage to get with my good camera this month. The rest are in backwards order (of course) of what's been happening this past month. And I've saved the best for last!
We had a cow calve in the yards and I snuck over when she wasn't looking to photograph her afterbirth. Such an amazing organ, I find it so fascinating how it all works.
We have two podies now from all of our recent cattle movements. This is "Buttermilk" (the wagyu one) and "Buttercream". I'm thinking that they will live now, as they are both drinking well and not scouring which is a good sign.
This was the calf that was had in the yards. So damn cute!
This was the water-bomber that they had fighting the fire which was pretty cool.
I was almost certain at one point that it was going to jump the main road, with the savage wind that was blowing behind it, but fortunately the fire management team, had it under control.
Our mustering team.
The Boss lady! She tell me, "I don't need you to tell me what we are doing when we are working cattle!"
This is "Gulliver". Unfortunately Gulliver didn't make it. He was born in the yards and never got the first drink of milk from his mother, as he couldn't get up. As there was no head bale there, I couldn't really get her in for him to have a drink. Anyhow, we took him home and he wanted to try and suck and was taking milk. But the following day we came home and he was gone. Was a bit sad for the kids, but that's the life we live and we can't save them all sometimes.
Poor doggies got a bit squashed behind the bales of hay, hiding from the cattle that were in the back of the truck.
The last week of school we had a bit of a steady week and I took the opportunity to do some painting with the kids, which was not very serene at all lol. I felt a bit bad though, because I laminated them to take in to the kids teachers, but G mans wasn't completely dry and the paint run a bit.
I thought kaka did a pretty good job.
My little princess.
I also had a birthday and was very spoilt from my dear friend Ange, who bought me this lovely bracelet.
Kids helped me blow out my candles.
Made my own coffee cake and it was pretty damn good if I do say so myself.
Just living the best life!

Last year, I booked a horse trek through the Brisbane Valley along the rail trail and it came around the first week in September, which wasn't really the best timing considering everything else that was going on, but it was nice to get away and try to defrag for a bit.
We started at Coominya travelled to Esk, then Toogoolawah, Harlin, then Linville and ended in Blackbutt. My two beautiful cousins came along with me and it was very nostalgic of our childhoods, chasing around after each other on our horses.
We stayed mostly at pubs and at one BnB along the way. The food was amazing. My horse "Lacey" was in a little bit poorer condition than I would have liked, but she had plenty of go in her and I wonder how fast she would have been if she was fed up.
Jess and Sam both took home the most adorable pups at the end of the trip. I was feeling a bit left out like I should have taken on too!
It was a "pub crawl" after all!! When in Rome.
Gosh I love this lady so much!
We really need to do this more often!!
Yes, I have a helmet on... no it wasn't something I was used to, but it was a requirement and so I just sucked it up!
We had lunch along the way and ate lots of tinned tuna and fruit salads lol.
This was probably my favourite pub along the way! So pretty.
Sam's spirit horse! Was like they were meant to be together lol.
Some gorgeous old bridges along the way.
This was Carolyn, our tour guide. She was such a laugh and has a very interesting back storey. we went over 100km and her dogs came along all the way with us.
Some very lovely country.
I think I gained about 3kg on the trip! Food was so good!
Back home and my little cowgirl had decided that she wants to wear her cowgirl boots.
We had a stop over at Nanas place and fed their pody. This was about a month before we ended up with ours.
G man with the long earred guinea pig, who has near been made an enclosure outside which is nice to be able to leave the doors of the house open again.
Me and my girl.
The tame brumby.
The wild brumby.
Sooooooo in our big news!!! We have FINALLY, after years and years of searching (3 years in fact), we have finally found ourselves our new home. I am not sure how many property inspections that it's taken, and I am keen to know (Justin not so much).
It is called "Green Valley" at Bogantungan. We sigend off on it last Wednesday, which from the date of our settlement, gives us about 4 days to move out of here, as we will be evicted at the end of next month. Sooo yeah, miracles happen right!
This is the lagoon. There are pelicans, swans and a massive big sea eagle nest! Which I thought was pretty cool.

Justin didn't want a photo of us signing the contract, so here's our lunch date photo after we signed and were still waiting for the vendors to sign. I think the big fella looks a bit worried. I'm soooooo ready to start this new chapter! Will be glad when we have finally sorted out all our moving and have settled into ur new home. So expect lots and lot of photos to come!
Nice to be able to finally go to sleep at night without crushing chest pains and be able to sleep in the mornings without waking up at 4am and not able to get back to sleep. I know that there's going to be other challenges for us in the future, however, I am glad that we have gotten over this hurdle. Will be so nice for both of us to live in a home that is actually ours. Something that we've never done as a couple.
Still sad that we have to sell quite a number of our cattle, especially when the market is on such a low, but with agistment unavailable, we have no other option. Someone is going to get some very lovely cattle that's for sure.
And that's me signing off. I'm currently listening to the Tattooist of Auschwitz which is a great book; as well as, "The Power of Now" which is interesting.
Hope you are all well and safe from the many fires burning all around.
With Love.