Thursday, 26 May 2022

Macros in May


As per my usual form, I have been holding off on doing my blog because I hadn't been out with my camera. But then all of a sudden, in less than a week, and I have a heap of images. 

I bought myself a new macro lens in a moment of frustration to cheer myself up some time ago, but I have been uninspired to take it out until just recently! Of course, I absolutely love it. I really want to take a close up of the kids pupils, but I'm struggling to get them to stand still and to get close enough, so it's a work in progress. 

This weekend past was a bit of a steady one for us. With the rain keeping us indoors for the majority, on Sunday we ventured out to get some target practise in. I think the kids enjoyed it and I actually managed to hit a couple of cans, which considering how very little I get out with a rifle these days, I thought that wasn't too bad! 

G man got a couple of bullseyes. 

Some of my macro shots. 

My photo club does a bit of architecture photography, and I honestly can't seem to get a grasp for it. So I thought I would give it a go with my macro. I posted them to my members facebook page but no one commented, so they are either fabulous or rubbish. It's more likely the latter, but I'm going to run with the former! To be honest, I don't mind them, although I could be just biased because they are my shots.   

Macros are always so much fun, I really enjoy taking them. I may need to invest in a flash that is more specific for macros. 

I really love this one. 

How gorgeous is this flower. I'm not sure that I'm a fan of bauhinia trees but this flower is so pretty. 

The things you notice more when you have a macro lens. 

I had trouble taking photos of this little dude, but it looks like a girl with lipstick on lol. 

It's difficult to see in this image the actual size of this huge dude, but he's a red shouldered phasmid. The guy who commented on the post I put on facebook said he had never seen one in his years of searching and he was a bug guru, so I thought it was pretty cool that we came by him, plus they aren't as common in this part of Australia.  

Doing a bit of motor bike training with G! I think my groins will be very sore from hanging on so tight! 

Love these beautiful big blue gums. 

Entrance to wonderland! 

"Show me you're cool face"

Big brave hunters going after a spider......

Aaaaaahhhhhh........ muuuuuuum!

Another category my camera club does is ICM, intentional camera movement. Another genre that I'm not too sure about my affliction for. Some of the images that do well; are to me, a bit like those $1M images you see in art galleries that look like a 3yo did it. 

Anyhow, it is fun to do. 
Kaka's looking at all my photos this morning, talking about how she loves this one and that, and then she gets to these and goes, "that's not a good photo" ha ha ha ha gotta love kids for their honesty. 

While I was taking photos of the trees, the sky was amass with big beautiful cirrus clouds. Anyhow I had hoped that they would stick around for some sunset shots, but they all blew away. So I braved the mozzies only to get the next couple of shots. 

From my phone:

My princess 

I made it into the paper, I think they got my best angle, and my horses lol.

Aaaaawww some people know all the right things to say x 

Gosh it feels like we have had little miss Molly forever, but she was a new addition to Grandma's house this month. That face!!! 

These are the photos I get when I whinge to my husband about never taking any photos, least my horses butt looks better in this one lol. 

Aaaand we are still working on "hands down, knees in"


Yeeeeh, I forgot our anniversary. It has happened before except the last time it was both of us, so this time when it's just me, it seems worse. Never-the-less I was very spoilt which a gorgeous candle and a set of coffee mugs that are just beautiful. 

We also took the kids to their first draft! I'm not sure who was more nervous and excited, me or them!    

I think Kaka was more impressed with her encouragement ribbon than what G was with his 5th place ribbon. 

It might not seem like much to them, but it was pretty cool for me! I have a lot of fond childhood memories of going to pony clubs and campdrafts. 

There was the matter of the sugar overload which went well into the school week and made teaching school rather challenging! 

They both also got a cap each which were lovely and while we were on the sugar train, why not add ice cream! SMH

Missy taking selfies. 

This was a better photo of the red shouldered phasmid. He was a monster. 

My grumpy face..

Being annoyed at him for taking photos of my grumpy face! 

Which led to happy face, which is why I feel as though I've kinda trained him to annoy the hell out of me when I'm grumpy! 

How good is that view? We've had about 200mm over the past couple of weeks and it has been absolutely wonderful. All the creeks are up and everything is growing. So good! 

We also had mini school this month. Miss Lucy Geddes being a ratbag. 

Libby Schuh 

Howie and Kaka after their kindy play days.

Of course she's allowed in my bed for snuggles. 

My beautiful and most favourite butterfly!

G was pretty please with his minecraft sleeve, right up until they got home and had to have a shower!

Poor G-ma, I think we wore her out! G man ended up with the flu on Wednesday. They called me, just as I got to the first coffee shop lol. So back to school I went, I was actually thinking, he was faking because it was just after we pulled the 'below image' out of the drain and it was the first thing he asked me about when he got in the car. Anyhow, but the end of the night he had gone downhill and they are both just getting over it now and that was two weeks ago. I did test for the virus that shall not be named, but it was negative. So just the flu. 

Oh and guess what we found in the drain at the school. And guess what child feel in love with it instantly. And guess what the name of our newest family member is?

Meet Minti. 

Madame loving her online lessons. 

After a week in town at minischool and with rain being forecast for the weekend, I was pretty keen to get us back out and on our horses, however, I think with the flu that we had all picked up, I was a bit premature. So we are having a bit of a steadier week this week. 

Miss has been watching Flicker and they all hold hands and say "go team, go" so that's what we have to do now. 

Every time, I think how blessed we are to have these two beautiful horses. 

Bobby is actually awake this time.  

It really was asleep. 

I must say he's a bit cute! We had to take him to the vet the other day and they had his sister. They must have found another cat down the drain after we found the 3 that we had, she was a bit sicker than the rest of them. Another couple of mums took the other two. So yes, we now have 3 cats in our menagerie! I feel as though I'm well on my way to becoming a crazy old lady! 

Someone was not impressed that I left the house to go and saddle the horses without helping them to get dressed first. 

Fiiiiiiirrrreeee season is finally here with the weather cooling off. Best time of year. 

Princess helping with the baking. 

Butterfly by Kaka. 

Some of our lovely heifers. 

These pair of weirdos lol. 

Dad got a couple of shots. 

I thought this was worth a giggle. 

This little bundle is currently lying on the desk in front of me, purring its head off and snuggling in. I can't say I mind awfully. 

Here's a video compilation of what we have been up to. 
Kids mini draft and kitten and school. 

And this image pretty much sums it up. 

Hope everyone managed to get under some rain but not inundated. I see the forecast shows that we might be in for a lot more with the way the ocean temperatures are predicting. So we shall see. And if you are wondering, yes we are still looking for our new home. We are well over 20 inspections now. Just need to keep putting the good vibes out there. We had to wait a while to get Garrett, and he was definitely worth it. 

Anyhow I can't say that I have much else to report. We are off to a family gathering this weekend to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Justin's grandma and pop. 

Stay safe and think positively. 
With Love