If the predictions are correct, then this year is going to be a wet one. Always a fine line with the weather in that, enough is good, too little is bad and too much is bad. I'll share with you a joke I heard once that pretty accurately sums it up.
Three hookers were talking.
The first one said "I had a Fireman last night".
The second one asked how she knew he was a
fireman, and the first one replied "I saw his badge."
The second hooker said "Well I had a policeman".
The first one asked how she knew he was a
policeman. The second hooker replied "I saw his gun."
The third hooker then joined in and said
"Well I had a farmer last night".
The other two replied "How do you know he was a farmer"?
The third hooker replied "First he said it cost too much,
then he said that it was too dry, then he said it was too wet,
and when we were through he asked if I had any free hats and wanted a discount!!"
I couldn't decide on which edit I liked the best with this image. I love how the horse appears ghostly, because she walked completely out of the shot as I was taking the 20 second exposure.
I just love watching storms, the fascinate me so much. I would love to be a storm chaser. Maybe in another life!
When this storm first started brewing, I thought that it wasn't going to be anything special, so I took the kids to that dam for a swim. I was wrong, we weren't there for long before I convinced the kids to get out of the water so we could go take some photos.
Looking at the green in these clouds, I had a fair idea that there would be hail in it and as soon as the wind swung around onto us, I knew there was going to be hail. Was freezing!
Soon as the wind turned all the cattle took off.
We got an inch in about 10mins. There was hail in it, but only very small and by the time the rain had stopped, it had melted. That brought our total for the month to 115mm of rain. So everything is looking lovely at the moment.
The kids had already had a shower, but were pretty keen to go and play in the puddles, despite it being absolutely freezing and I had a heavy coat on. But they had a ball as you can see.
My favourite I think.
We are currently doing selective colour in my photo group, and this isn't technically correct, but I kinda liked how it turned out.
Garrett's sunflowers finally bloomed. The bees just went made over them!
I've managed to make two sour dough loaves since my course the other day. First was a failure, second one.... nailed it!
Sorry grandma but this one was too cute not to share..... grandma "not sleeping" on the couch with kaka giving her a cuddle.
I found this post the other day and loved it so much that I had to do it.
How to really enjoy the rain:
1. Stand at the window (inside)
2. Put non-tea drinking hand on hip
3. Slowly sip tea from favourite mug
4. Occasionally mutter one of these three options: “look at that rain”, “it’s really coming down now” or “the garden needs it”
5. Comment that it’s “a good job we got the cushions/washing in”
6. Consume as many biscuits as possible
Sometimes these pair play really well together and actually love each other. And it always melts me and makes all the time when they are fighting and trying to kill each other worth it.
Yes it's October and yes, I still had a coat on! Weather has been so bizarre! Even this morning here is was quite cool, I had goosebumps and it's the 1st of November for goodness sake!
I've begun brewing kombucha and I'm a bit addicted. Need to make my brew bigger!
My lovely girlfriend Sheree bought me a bag of oranges so we juiced them all and added to the kombucha brew! Delicious!
We also had a birthday this month! That's our code for going to the beach for fish, chips and ice-cream.
Big fella got down low for the photo and so kaka thought that's what we were supposed to be doing.
Perfectly good swimming hole and they decide to drain it.
Kids don't feel the cold hey! It was freezing! At least we didn't get burnt with the miserable weather.
My fifth batch of macaroon and they are finally starting to be a bit consistent. I actually made another batch on the weekend and they were better again.
G man lost his first tooth! Was a bit excited about the tooth fairy.
Sooooooo gross!!!
Wasn't as if he couldn't get the peanut butter either because when I came out and found him and his sister, they were both making themselves cruskits with peanut butter on them out of the jar!!!
Made a batch of mozzarella which was only enough for 2 pizzas. But still yummy!
So that's the end of October for me, and with the 1st of November being today, this year is going to be over before we know it.
I'm currently listening to a book called "The body keeps the score" and it is amazing! I'm really enjoying it, although it's very deep and at times I find that I need to have a break so that I can process what he's talking about. It talks a lot of PTSD and trauma and the affect that it has on veterans and childhood trauma/ abuse. It's very insightful and if there was ever a book that I would recommend, it's this one!
Anyhow people, hope you're all getting some of this lovely rain.
Take care x