My Cheeky Girl
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Some afternoons you can try to predict if the sky is going to 'turn it on" with regards to the light show. Sometimes you get it right and sometimes not but you've got to try and get somewhere a bit picturesque before you lose the light.
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This particular afternoon wasn't that great for light, so I attempted some intentional camera movement. I didn't mind the affect. Might try it again!
I think I like the black and white, especially when there isn't a lot of colour in the sky.
I love doing panoramas by the creek (if you couldn't already tell)
This was the next afternoon that I thought the colour would come.
Having a bit of a play with this image above and below. One is a more natural look and the other is a bit more saturated and processed looking. I'm not too sure which I like better.
And I was right.
Above and below are another two that I was playing with.
I was asked by a friend to do a photo shoot of the lovely glowing Nat and her family. Was so nice to be able to get some nice shots for her.
The below video is a time lapse of when the sky lit up for me. I set my camera on a tripod and I think it was every 30 seconds I took a photo.
These photos from my phone are chronologically backwards. But I couldn't be bothered trying to fix that. So you will have to go backwards in time.
Flowers from my gorgeous friend Ange.
Lots of time sitting around.
with Stumpy
Mum paying me out about my fat leg!!
Post-op.... true to form it was complicated! Took twice as long as it was supposed to because I am short!! Apparently the graft was only able to be tripled from the tendon they harvested, instead of quadrupled which is what it needed to be. So a second tendon was harvested, but then as the graft was now so thick, it was difficult to insert into the joint! Of course!!! So my poor mother was having a conniption as you might imagine and if you want to know the full reason why she had good reason to be concerned, I wrote about it here
Mum posted the below photo on her facebook and it made be do the above comparison. There's something a bit special about kaka and I both having little white horses for our first.
My little fisher woman!
I borrowed my friends drone and went up to take these. These are baby jabaroos. I was a bit excited. At first I thought they were dead, but they were just being very still as the drone is pretty noisy.
Kaka is loving riding and asking to trot all the time now which is cool. We are trialing a new horse for Garrett "Chloe", but she was a little bit fresh as she had not been ridden for a while, so Garrett might get to ride her next time.
Being laid up gave me the opportunity to do a bit of painting. But no one seemed to like it much so perhaps I will stick to photos lol. Mum goes "I like the clouds".... quite literally the easiest part.
My gorgeous mate Ange paid me a visit the weekend before my surgery which is always great!
Nothing quite like a fire on a cool winter afternoon.
There's been quite a lot on facebook lately about mental health awareness and a lot of different challenges that have been going around. One of which was the egg challenge, which involved taking a shot of a raw egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a shot of liquor and skulling a beer or you had to donate $200 to beyond blue. Now as you might imagine, for every parade there is someone to rain on it. There were a number of people who thought that a mental health awareness campaign should not have contained alcohol and there were a lot of people who were using that as a platform to voice their opinions and ideals about mental health. Now this kinda had the affect of pissing me off. Firstly, if people disagreed with alcohol, they could have got inventive and used milk and orange juice (as I saw one guy doing). Secondly, this challenge went viral!!!! Viral!!! I did not see the push up challenge go viral!! Nor any other mental health challenge that was circulating at the same time go viral! So the question is, would it have gone viral without the alcohol..... no! Because otherwise I would have seen a lot more people posting videos of their push-ups. I saw people doing the egg challenge who I had never, ever seen on facebook. Did it get people talking? Yes! Did I check on my mates when they did or didn't do the challenge.... Yes! So did it serve its purpose? Yes I really think it did. Anyhow, sufficiently riled, I decided that I would do the push-up challenge which was 25 push ups a day over 25 days. I originally made it for facebook, but I uploaded it to you-tube so I could put it here.
So there it is for another month! And here I was thinking that being laid up I would post more often! Wishful thinking. I'm currently 1 week post op! I have 5mths and 3 weeks until I'm allowed back on a horse and probably longer than that still before I can break in again. Although he said I can probably run at 4mths. So that's something! So I'm 6 weeks since the original injury, I have read a book and painted a painting and watched some TV..... I'm kinda over it now!
Send help!
Hope the world is being kind to you all! Take care xx