Friday, 14 February 2020

Barra, Birthday and Branding

Ah so, yep... where did January go??? I am very  happy to report that we've finally had some rain. There have been a few cracker storms and we've had about 6 inches all up. Nothing drought breaking yet, but at least we've finally got some grass to grow.

My poser

Love this pair!

Some of these storms have had me racing around like a headless chook, chasing the right composition. Some really beautiful skies.

What a team, bucketing out the water!!! 
She's a feral child.... who lets their baby eat sauce in a white shirt. 
And ice-cream in the car!!! 
Oh and eKindy has started... someone send me beer please!!! Or rum!!!
AAAAANNNNNDDDD some little miss caught their first Barra!!! OMG 
Also.... we had a 4th birthday! He's getting so darn big!! 

The tide song!!! Lovely when they sing it in shopping fair at the top of their lungs 

How big is it Kaka??

These were accurately named and very gross!! 

 A friend Sky took the above shot of the kids and I loved it. They were driving home in the rain in the back of the ute and he was told to hold onto her! He had his arm around her the whole way!

We had a party over Australia Day weekend, to celebrate that some friends finished building their yards and at one point of the night I threw away the lid to a bottle of fireball whiskey..... so you may imagine, it got a little messy! 

This was early on! 

He's gonna be a cracker fisherman 


We've started eKindy this year! I don't really know if I'm cut out for it, but G man seems to be enjoying it, so that's the go! 

Grandma came to babysit for 4 days, so we got onto top of most of our branding and managed to dodge all the storms in the process. But the yards were a bit boggy! As you can see from our jeans! 

The boss didn't get too dirty but lol!!! Nah I hate ackatak so he does it! 

G man's Cake 

Kaka claimed a few of Garrett's presents!! Little pirate! 

The good life. 

Kaka doesn't mind Kindy either. 

Rightio, I'll leave you with this one, Good Intentions by Emily Hackett. It's a cracker! Here's hoping for a touch more rain to fill the dams, but I'm still pretty happy with what we got!! Hope you've all been under a bit of wet stuff!!