Dad caught us a fish for our dinner! Was delicious! |
Goodness what a big few weeks we've had. It just hasn't seemed to stop! I'm very much looking forward to this weekend where we don't actually have anything planned. Might get to have a ride on one of my ponies this week which would be lovely.
We managed to go for a date on our 5 yr anniversary.
Someone doesn't get out much. The merry-go-round thing was a bit novel. |
We headed to the Caves Show for a day out, and as a bit of a decoy. Some of my photos did well and I even picked up Champion photo again, which I was a bit surprised about, with the photo below.
We went for a camel ride but G man wasn't too keen on that until we got going a little bit.
As I said the Caves Show was a bit of a decoy to get mum out of the house for the day. Ash had planned a surprise birthday party for her and pulled it off beautifully!! She was clueless about the whole affair. We went to our good friend, Doug and Kathy's house and it was absolutely wonderful. Lovely people and great food. Was a very long day, but fantastic none the less.
Hayley, Grandma and Jack |
Kerrie, Kerrie and Stew |
Kerrie, Stew and Penny |
Kerrie and Keith (uncle) |
Kerrie and Helen |
Justin, Kerrie and Kerrie |
Was such a great night and so wonderful that so many people could make the effort to come. Our relatives from NSW even made the long trek up for the night and it made it really special. I am a bit sorry that I missed her arrival and the shock on her face but I think someone took some video so I will have to see that.
Loyalty, Susie with Jess and Kerrie |
Ross, Carol and Ash |
But all good things must end and everyone headed off by the Monday morning, so we all got back to the grindstone.
I had big plans of attempting to run up Mt Archer after mum's party, but I pulled a heart muscle. I only ran about 2km up hill and then walked the next 3 before I got mum to come and pick me up! But I would really love to go back up there with my camera. You don't get to fully appreciate the beauty of it all when you drive up because you're too busy watching the road.
As a bit of a treat to myself (once in 5 years I think is pretty good), I got my hair done. I'm really happy with it, but OMG, 4 hours is too much. No thanks. Lucky I love it.
I honestly didn't realise how long it was until I saw this pic. |
So back home, after mum's party, to unpack, clean the house, go to town and pick up Dick off the plane who came to caretake for us while we were at Beef Week, and then repack to go to town for a week!
Someone loves their puppy!
Lucky he's gentle. |
Heading to town for Beef. |
Beef Week 2018
How unreal is this giant!!! |
We headed into Beef Week a bit early to help a friend of ours with the stud cattle. I was the penciller and Justin was the catcher, to mouth the led cattle for the show. Was a lovely weekend to have as a couple without the kids, not having to worry about nappies, sleep times or food...... I do think however that after this week at Beef, all my babysitter credits have been expended and I'll be banking them up for the next 3 years until the next beef. Thanks Grandma!!!
Babysitter doing a good job!!! |
Ange and Kerrie |
My husband tried to wound me significantly with multiple shots on our first night out. Surprisingly I didn't pull up too bad the next day! Was a lovely night out with my good friend Ange as I don't seem to see her anywhere near as often as I like (more babysitter credits gone).
The partying seemed to go on and on with the week, I had a canapé evening with some old girls from my school which was nice, but sad to say I didn't pull up so well after that. Pale Ale makes for a nasty headache. Should have stuck with the shots!
Tayla, Chloe and Tasha (all sisters) and I |
The lovely person who took this photo didn't really need to take the 50 shots that he did, probably wouldn't have mattered what we were doing really lol. |
G man already checking out the ladies! |
The first day at Beef with the kids we pulled up at the cattleman's club for a couple of hours so the kids could sleep and then the next couple of days went to my Uncle Dave and his family's Alkoomie Brangus site and it was so good to be able to have a quiet little hideaway to sit while the kids had a bit of a rest. Good to be able to catch up with them too.
Someone got their first cowgirl shirt and boots. |
G man didn't want to cooperate for a photo |
This is about as good as our family photos are going to be for a while!! |
Mum and I visited 'Secret Girl Stuff' and I bought a bracelet and mum bought a lovely handbag. |
Nomes and I |
We had planned to take the kids to the western for a rodeo but by the end of the day they were both exhausted. So we managed to get ourselves another babysitter and got to take grandma out on the town with us too. We had an awesome night and band was fantastic.
Our last party for the week was the Hats and Heels Cocktail Party and I'm sorry to say but I won't be doing it again next beef. Just not my scene anymore I don't think. I might be getting a bit old. Could barely move on the dance floor and the line up for the toilets was ridiculous! We were actually lucky to get in because I had some dramas with our tickets, so luckily, a friend who was on the committee managed to help us get in.
Me and Erin, showing off our shoes! |
We were doing our sad faces here because our good friend didn't end up coming to the party. Something about being pregnant.... a likely storey! |
Me and Nomes |
Beef 2018... done and dusted!!! Ready for bed!!!! |
Then if I hadn't managed to expend all my energy at beef week, I lined up to do the 17km mountain run at Springsure. Not too sure how I managed to find the energy or the will power in the 3 degrees that had hit Springsure that morning. Anyhow. I made it through! I was pretty proud of that achievement, considering I've never been an athletic sort of person my whole life and especially not a runner.
Least the country was beautiful!! |
The joys of being the smallest in the group! |
I was bloody freezing! |
We celebrated afterwards with a chocolate fountain!!! The best!! |
Best part about running is after you finish I reckon. |
Strawberries and Chocolate |
Mango, Me, Sheree and Mel |
Mango, Mel and Nat walked for most of the 17km and hats off to Mango who only gave birth to her daughter about 9 weeks earlier!! No way I would have considered doing it that's for sure!!
We can't work out what the big dip in my heart rate it.... it may have been where I fell and bit the dust as I was going down a hill. Ended up with a bit of bark off and a few bruises. Mountain 1: Kerrie 0 |
Sooooo that's what I've been up to this past couple of weeks!! I must say I'm still a bit exhausted and I'm still doing washing. The house is a mess and my darling boy has managed to pick up some dogs disease and the poor little bugger is suffering a bit with it. I was starting to catch something but I jumped onto the Sambucol straight up and I swear by that stuff because touch wood I'm feeling pretty good at the moment.
Sheree and I came 38 and 39 out of 65 male and female competitors. Which is a fair effort I reckon. Least it wasn't last.... which is where I would have come 5 months ago! Speaking of being exhausted I'm off to bed. At least now Jess is sleeping from 7-7, it means I can get a good nights sleep! Hope this cooler weather is treating you all well and that the frosts haven't been too severe in places. We are starting to dry off here but we still have a good body of feed so we are lucky.
I'll leave you with with another one from Chis Stapleton