Justin, Garrett and I are delighted to introduce Jessica Kerrie Wall. Words cannot explain how happy we are to announce the safe arrival of our beautiful baby girl. She came to us via planned Caesarian on the 6th October at 1506 weighing 7lb 6oz, 51cm long and 36cm head. She is the most beautiful and precious little bundle and as the majority of this blog is dedicated to spam of her arrival, I will fill you in on the week leading up to her delivery.
Splash's puppies are getting bigger and I'm sure by the time we get home, they will be the perfect size to occupie G-man while his new sister is taking up some of our time.
We walked up the hill, to watch the river fire over the Brisbane River, but there were far too many people for me to really appreciate the spectical. G-man thought it was interesting for a little while, but he seemed a bit more intrigued by the helicopter that flew over.
I went to buy myself some beer and as they didn't have my usual Hahn Radlers, I opted to try something new.
This was the conversation between my husband and I.
My husband knows me so well! It was surprisingly nice actually. Bit sneaky though, being 1.2 standard drinks.
G-man has decided that he likes to sleep under his mattress!
We watched the grand final, but we were left crying in our beer. Still an awesome team though... Go Cowboys!!
This it my gorgeous cousin Jess (whom our daughter is named after) and she is almost half way through her pregnancy. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that our babies are going to be close together in age! I am so excited for her and DNash and can't wait to meet their new addition.
Cool dude!!
We've started a tradition now, that two night before the arrival of our babies, that Jess, Nashy, Justin and I go out for dinner to eat some seafood. We've been to Gambaros before and it was awesome, but I must say that this time I was a little disappointed. Justin and I ordered the seafood platter and while the seafood was lovely and fresh, nothing was hot, so I wasn't completely satisfied.
Jess had pasta, which I think I might have preferred.
DNash, had these lovely crayfish, but they put some dressing on it that had radish in it and thought it was a bit of a weird combination. We all had a bit of a giggle because to order 'live Tasmanian crayfish' they cost $34/ 100grams. This didn't really register until the waiter came back and said the crayfish was about 800grams. OMG!!! No thanks, frozen will be just fine ha ha ha.
The morning before the Caesar at 38 weeks and 2 days.
It's amazing how bigger difference a week makes. Left is 38+2 and the right is 37weeks.
Moments before the arrival of our girl.
The first thing I heard was Justin say "it's a girl" and then I looked up to see 'her' for the first time!! Wow. I honestly thought I would never be blessed with a little girl. I thought destined to have boys and away she was whisked while I had a moment to take it all in. My anaesthetist came to check on me, "happy tears" I said.
I'm not really sure what Garrett thinks of her, I think maybe he thinks she's a noisy puppy. It will be interesting to see how he goes when we get home.
Nana and Poppy made the journey down to see the new arrival.
Absolutely love this photo.
Aunty Jess and Uncle Nashy
Bath time.
Garrett and Jess at the same age.
Jess and G-man, I'm not sure if she makes him look huge or he makes her look little!!
Meeting some more relatives. My Aunty Suzie.
Three generations of girls, and Kerrie's.
Our first family photo. Even if we had to bribe G-man with chocolate.
Had to get a picture of the boobs while I've got them ha ha ha.
Someone got very spoilt with bags of clothes from her Aunty Jess! Not to mention grandma and Aunty Kaye.
We both got very spoilt with flowers, balloons and toys.
How cute!!
How cute is this??
As I said, we are all stoked with the arrival of this little lady. Be prepared for some more spam in the next blogs. She's an absolute gem (touch wood) and makes you think you could have 10 of them! How blessed we are!