Thursday, 30 June 2016

Feeling a little bit sentimental

We had some beautiful rain last week (over a week ago now, where does that time go?). It gave me a good excuse to get up high and have a look around while there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
The photo above is a view from South-East around to the North-West. The centre of the picture shows our paragrass bank that is now almost full and behind that is the Herbert Crk, which opens out to the broadsound on the right (where the sun is). Our house is just above and to the right slightly from the dam you can see on the left.

This picture is from the other side of the paragrass bank. It goes from the South-West around to the North-East. You can still see the Herbert Creek just from a different side and the dam below our house is now on the right hand side of the pic. Also our yards are now more visible on the bottom left. 

This is some of the footage I took. You can see some of the newly pulled scrub below our house and also shows fairly well where the water bi-washes from dam to dam to paragrass bank. 

Other events from this week have left me feeling..... well a little bit sentimental. So I went through a few of our old home videos, well, what was left of them that hadn't been taped over by rubbish movies! The joy of VHS! I had been meaning to upload some for a while and now I've finally gotten around to it.

I am posting 3 this week, which is probably a bit too much for one week, but I promise I will do only one next time.

This video has been cut and edited, so not all of the footage is from the same time. This shows where my dad and my girlfriend Dea's dad (Stocky) were trapping scrub cattle in the army country and the difficulties that were sometimes faced with getting them onto the truck. Also I would like to point out, safety standards have improved significantly in the last 25-30 years since this was taken. Enjoy!

And another one. 

When anthrax was found on our cattle station in 1991 (I think), the military were forced to cull all these animals in a massive shoot.

This next video is of a very dear friend of mine, who sadly passed away earlier this year. This was taken at Marlborough Campdraft. He is one of the best horsemen I have ever had the privilege of knowing and he is very missed! Not to mention a true gentlemen with a kind heart and soul. I believe the horses were Idol and Cleo. 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Click, Click.

Bottom of Pocket Paddock.
Have been a little despondent lately about my photo taking, I've not managed to take any shots that I was really happy with. So I was pleased when these couple turned out for me. 

I was trying to be 'artistic'/ creative and taking photos of cob 'n' cos and stay posts, but it tends to annoy me because I just think of the repairing that needs to be done! 

We must have quiet cattle ey! How does this keep anything in?

I love this tree, but I wish it was out in the open, only for my own personal photography purposes. 

Jabaroo. Gorgeous bird, will have to invest in a longer  lens on day! Maybe when I win the lotto!

Bit more clearing around the house to be done!

Dad (grandad) and Amy

This is some footage of our last paddock being pulled. After that, dad moved into his paddock.

Need some dramatic music here for the troops returning for some beer after a hard day. 
One of our weaners obviously thought the chain was pretty big! Makes the weaners look like calves.

Happy with the condition of our weaners and their mums. They are looking pretty good. Justin reckons they are very quiet too. 

Greer giving Justin a hand to count them out.

Mango introducing Thomas to "yard boogers" in the dust.

I know how these girls feel, I was bad enough being away from my baby for a night in Brisbane. 

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Bit of a Mexican stand-off

My little pody in the grass

From my phone.

Garrett, Mum and I off to the Rocky show. 

Paddock side dinner time, while camera was taking some photos. That's the best thing about an automatic timer!

Trip home after a long arvo of photo taking. 

Weirdo, kept trying to put his head up under his hoodie. 

Took the bubbas down to watching their daddies doing some weaning. Mango, Thomas, Garrett and I. 

Loooooves the prunes

Pelicans on the dam. Was trying to get a 'selfie' in the buggy with the dogs behind, but apparently "come here splash" is also code for "get a bogey". Oh well. 
Thoams and Garrett, only 4 weeks apart but it makes a big difference

Nothing cuter!

Running joke with our neighbors and their two little girls 

So I unpacked 2 trolleys of groceries into my car and the realized that I had lost my keys! So after pulling everything out and unpacking the esky, the car was extremely hazardous. 

Tea towel wrap to save the clothes. 

My friend Krystal has these wonderful resealable pouches and caps for feeding and they are brilliant. check it out!

With bub on solids, milk production has been on the slow side, so I made some of these. At least they aren't as bad as the last batch, but not very healthy lol. 

My favorite calf. 

Meeting Sgt Shultz. 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Sky watching again!

Got a few pictures of a sunset last week, but it wasn't as impressive as I thought it might be! I've put some of the edits in order of my favourite to least favorite. 

Had a visit from Gma this week which was lovely and gave me a chance to go out and have a look at some of our babies (well not babies anymore) hopefully mummies! 

Justin likes to take pictures of me with them because it makes them look really big!

Girlies enjoying their freshly pulled paddock!
This is some of my drone footage of dad and Warren pulling our Third Lagoon paddock. Was good to get an aerial perspective! Dad didn't know that I was there and said he needed a aircraft rifle!

Creepy trees that were water logged by the dam, showing off some hopeful overcast skies (we've had 6ml so far but fingers crossed the prediction is right for a bit more!!)

This is the state of my vege patch! As you can see the sprinkler has been left unattended and leaking for some time! With the help of mum over the weekend, we removed the fence and hoped that the horses would help me clean it up a little bit, even added some lucerne to entice them! Anyhow, the lucerne is still sitting there and the garden untouched. Of course had I have not wanted them in there, they would have been there straight away! Murphy's law! I'm hoping to find some motivation and build some new garden beds that are 2ft high. Watch this space! Now I have told you I will have to do it!

The beautiful boy! 

Snuggles with gma!

OMG, it's everywhere!! sneezed with a mouthful of pumpkin!