I have learnt this past week, how much fun reflux can be and I bow down to all those mothers who have gone before me. Especially those from back in the days before Rennies and Gavison (which I've been eating like smarties) and those who had to spend their final pregnancy weeks through the summer months without the comfort of air conditioning. I am grateful that the reflux has only just begun though, I know some poor girls have it for much longer than I. But sleepless nights of not being able to lie down, don't make for a very happy girl, thankfully it is getting a bit more tolerable.
We have now almost mastered public transport in Brisbane, which can be fun, right up until you miss your stop, and then fat, pregnant, lady has to walk for 1.4km instead of 700m in the heat. Apart from that though, we have been having a lot of fun shopping and eating out. Finding some good bargains in Brisbane.
Lovely to catch up with Aunty Kaye, who has been so wondeful in driving us around and keep us company.

We found trade secret while we were getting Jam Drop's car seat and we all got some great bargains!
Mum bought me these lovely flowers a few days ago and they have finally come out and are just gorgeous.
My new AWESOME Hawaiian shirt! (I know your jealous as hell!)
Lovely necklace that I picked out and had made and that mum, insisted on buying "for the jam drop". I just loooovvvee it!!
I get to enjoy a few texts from home, showing our heifers when Justin goes out to give them a few hands full of hay. He was trying to teach them to use the back rubbers. When I asked if he played them some limbo music he said, "no, they are supposed to rub against it, not, not touch it!" Silly me!