Afternoons at home lately have provided some beautiful scenery, some more easily captured than others.
Checking on our babies, having their babies! Moolabell has had a beautiful calf but I haven't gone to see her to take some post-pregnancy photos yet!
Indie, getting in on the action. We were tearing home to get a gun because a couple of dingos were chasing our cows and calves, but by the time we returned, they were gone. I think the cows hunted them!
The daring rescue!
Justin and I went down to watch the king tide come in, being the highest on the full moon. While I was taking happy snaps of the incoming tide, Justin went further up the creek to try his luck fishing. On his return, he sped up and jumped out just up from me. He was running frantically up and down the bank, looking down. I thought he had lost his hat and my sentiments were "well it's gone now mate". Anyhow, next minute and to my astonishment (I apologise for lack of photos, I was so shocked), he pulled out this poor little orphaned calf.
We had been looking for him for the previous couple of days because his mother had bottled teats and we were sure we would have to pody it, because it hadn't appeared to get a drink. Justin hadn't been able to find him and this was why. He had obviously fallen down the bank, whether out of weakness or looking for a drink I'm not sure. As Justin reached him, the tide waters were lapping at his feet, so it was an extremely fortunate rescue with, I'm happy to report, good results. He is taking the bottle well and appears to be improving in condition.
This video shows the photos I took of the tide. Pay particular attention to the bank that is falling in and also to Justin's amazing calf rescue!
This next one is the same, but it's a bit slower with the bank loss and calf rescue.
Last night was another good heat storm and I managed to get some nice pics that I'm pretty happy with, Some aren't the best because they were getting too far away.
Have been going through mum's phone and have found a few old photos that I should have posted earlier.
I've decided that rather and sit and ponder over the current rain radar and curse it, I would post some photos from out and about over the last couple of weeks.
This dog, just, does, not, care!!
Some of our steers a few weeks before they were sold!
Justin's new 'wallace' bull
These are starting to pop up all over the place... Moolabell is making colostrum, so I'm eagerly awaiting her baby!
Justin talking to this little 'planted' baby!
It's amazing how well these little fellas can camouflage in the brown grass!
These has been a lot of this going on lately, and despite the storms that have been around, we are still missing out!
Getting all set for the festive season!
Just like it was made for her!
Had a visit from these two beautiful ladies that I nurse with in Yeppoon. It was so lovely catching up with the and looking around.
Gate girls!
I thought I had taken a photo of a chopper when I first looked at this photo.
I was in a bit of trouble with Moolabell the other day because I forgot her hay! Whoops!
Fluffy one that I think belongs to our Charbray bull "Buddha"
Lot of this around...... none overhead
Even got a bit creative and made some of these cute little roses.
B1 and B2.... these pair are a bit cute!
Bought myself a Nutri Ninja!!! I loooooove it!
Had to try out me new plumb pudding dish!! Wasn't half bad despite Justin thinking I shouldn't eat to much because I would get drunk!
Taking photos of other people's rain is starting to get a bit old!