Rabbit being very helpful with the roofing project. |
It has been a while between posts this time and it's mostly not my fault. The military have been set up next door in the Shoal Water Bay Training Area and because of which, almost everyone up and down the Stanage Bay Rd has lost their reception. So I'm taking this opportunistic surge in connectivity for an update and mostly a catch up. The troops are leaving on Friday and hopefully we will be back to normal by then. You have no idea how much you rely on the internet until it's unavailable for a month or more.
With the passing of cyclone Marcia, the skylights in the shed next door were blown away, and with the few showers around, Justin decided that we best get up there and replace them. Think these jeans might need replacing also.
The last month has consisted of manly mustering, pregnancy testing and weaning. Meanwhile I have been away a fair bit with a lot of nursing shifts, leaving Justin to do the weaner tailing on his own.
We had to go down and put in a few new posts out on the salt pan, (while the tides would allow it), because some of the cattle had been walking around the end of the block fence.
Hopefully this will pull them up now! |
Justin getting ready for the big muster, putting some shoes on his steed. |
Greer giving us a hand with the drenching at preg-testing time. |
Sandy, our gun preg-tester, giving some cheek to the backyardsmen. |
Justin and Mr Roche drafting out the dry cattle and the weaners. |
Dad's steers off to the works. |
In the spirit of moving forward, dad has now sold all of his cattle off Banksia apart from 182 cows and calves that we purchased off him. Leaving the remainder of the country under our management with our cattle. Exciting times ahead for us I think.
Loving these beautiful little guys that have been hanging around my vege patch lately. |
When we first put out some wet lick for our weaners, the smell was making Chief salivate. |
We finally got all our cattle preg-tested, and the cattle that we purchased from dad preg-tested and ended up with just under 500 weaners. Luckily for Justin he has a couple of pretty handy dogs to give him a hand because I was away nursing. But as always he did a lovely job of them and they are such well behaved little boys and girls.
I got a chance to help a little bit with the turning out and managed to get a couple of photos in.
Giving some pellets to some of our heifers that are in calf for the first time. |
Even Moolabell is going to be a mummy!!! |
Love this little girl I was so glad that she was pregnant. |
While we were doing the cattle work, somehow we ended up with a casualty. A cow, that had been fine the day before, somehow dislocated her leg overnight. We had a bonfire in her honour. I think the dogs were wondering if we were going to pull her out when she was done for their benefit....
Some pictures of our weaners. These were out of our cull cattle, but they seemed to do a good job them, so we were pretty happy.
Rabbit got a new bed and I think she likes it! Although grandma still spoils her and lets her in the bag! |
With a bit of the colder weather about, this young fella was out sunning himself. |
Mum and I had gone down to the creek because I had previously seen a finch nest, very close to the water, but when we came to see it, it had fallen in. We fished it out but there was no sign of life, so I'm not sure what happened there but we were very disappointed.
So that's just about a catch up. I had some visitors last week, so I will get the photos together for the next post.