Sunday, 28 December 2014

Let the feasting begin!!

The week of xmas, was not so carefree and laid back as I had hoped it may be, with water problems (funnily enough, caused by the rain and power outages) and rescue missions (photos to come later). But I still managed to get the house clean and do a little cooking, so that's a bonus.

We also managed to get the crab pots into some water, with no luck at all unfortunately.

Thankfully, mum and ash had better luck!
Few out of season (bought) weaners, getting their xmas num nums.

Last years weaners getting their xmas num nums. 


Dunno why they are doing it, but this is the second fella we have found now, in the middle of the paddock. About 400m from salt water. 

Doing the rounds before the town excursion. 

And then there was xmas, not just 1 day but a 3 day event!!

Some of these!!!

I made a few of these! (Let me tell you..... getting merengue mix into a piping bag is a feat only for the CWA girls!)
Mum and I had a few of these!!

  And thanks to Ash for catching these, we feasted! I can't show you the before photos because it didn't last that long!
I'm just showing off now, but you get the picture... xmas is all about good food and good food we certainly had!

Cheeky Rabbit!

And of course there was presents and I was very, very spoilt this year! As you can see!
 Now we are off to see our new niece that arrived a couple of days before xmas. So grandma is minding my babies lol. 

2015..... what have you in store for us? Bring it on!! 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Bring on xmas!!

Some nice cloud formations!!!

This fortnight began with some avid cloud watching, and although this was a nice productive storm, we did not receive any rain from it! However, the rain did come and we were very appreciative. I can't recall the exact figures now, but we had somewhere in the vicinity of 7 inches, which was beautiful. All of our dams are full and the grass is almost fluro. Just lovely! 

In between the showers we received, there was provision for some of this:

This here was the culprit!!! Evidence caught on camera... does not lie!! 
And it Definitely... was not me!! 

So despite the lack of length, the country will once again prosper! 
It's difficult to see in this photo, but there are two of the biggest fairy circles I have ever seen, one in the foreground and one just behind it. I could fit my horse inside it easily! Must have been a good party!
And the run-off did not take long to do just that, the creek was very still a few mornings later. 
Sadly for me, I missed out on listening to the rain on the tin roof because I was in town doing a nursing conference. However, I did get some of mum and ash's awesome cooking!! YUMMO

But back home after xmas shopping and catching up with long lost friends, I returned to an influx of these lovely little fellas:

So we got everyone in and did a bit of this:

Weirdo, sticking his tongue out

And branded a few of these, not this little one below though.... on a count of her being toooo cute!!! (and little)

Was nice to get a couple of hundred calves branded before xmas, will sure lighten the load for next year. 

Left this behind on a post overnight and returned to these Monsters, devouring it. The photo does not do their size justice!

Also noticed this for the first time this branding season..... it's amazing the things you just walk over and don't even see. We've been here 3 years now. I think maybe the rain might have unearthed, surely I'm not that blind??

Yipyaw! Off to get some more moo moos. 

Out of focus, but you get the picture, this lady was not impressed about us being near her calf. Quickly drafted in the cull paddock! Sorry love, no distemper here. 

Marbles on debu is showing some form, especially when she decided to bite one of our bulls on the flank when encouraged. I cannot describe the fits of laughter. We are thinking of renaming her 'stoke'. 

 So the branding and drenching, made for some long days, but this is my favourite time of day anyhow.

Snort's shadow, a horse the I thought was not a great potential, has been showing some promise... watch this space!

Gotta love smoko time at this time of year!! 
Rabbit meeting the Telstra business people! They were bemused! 

My new toy, I'm a bit excited! 
Can't wait for the weekend and I think I will be headed into xmas mode!!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Too much Rum.... not enough ball.

 In the spirit of xmas, and partly due to the fact we had two smokos in a row, with unexpected guests and I had not but a couple of frozen bought biscuits to give them; I made the executive decision that I was superfluous to needs and would spend the afternoon cooking.

I baked two potato bakes (upon request), lamb roast, a pumpkin cake and sweet potato cake (to compare which was better, sweet potato won). I also decided that at this time of year, it was compulsory to have rum balls in the fridge.

The rum ball maker, happened to be a bit heavy-handed with the rum and extra biscuit was needed to get the right consistency. It was then I was reminded of a time when I was about 8 or 9, I had been making rum balls at home while mum and my brother were out working. Upon their return I was standing on a stool (I couldn't reach the bench), making my rum balls and merrily giggling away to myself. Apparently I had been eating too much of the mixture and was sent for a lie down. Aaah good times.

This week we had a storm, up towards the farthest boundary of our place (horse tails from last week might prove to be a good omen also). Unable to tell how much but, it was a good start and lets hope for more to come. The end of the week brought 13ml at the house. Here's hoping for more to come.
Mouthing some steers to see if we can sell them, this one decided to have a nap. 

And lift 2, 3, 4, up 2, 3, 4, now stretch. 

There, there! It's ok!

Not sure who is erecting these on our road; but we have had a council worker and a police man and now this. Very clever, better than a sign saying "slow down" anyhow. 

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's back to cutting logs we go!

Not sure how to type a whistle but, "insert whistling noises here"
I was less than impressed with my latest water feature, although; at least Cheif is a lot more delicate than Bob and just slides in, rather than the bomb dive that Bob does. 

Actually got Marbles to smile for this one. Wow
 Yes well, we are one week into December and 2 and a half weeks till xmas. Bring on the food fest I say!